E. Jean Carroll Calls Rape Sexy Then Flirts With Anderson Cooper On Air


An extremely stunned Anderson Cooper quickly cuts to a commercial break during his interview with Trump sexual assault accuser, E. Jean Carroll. In the interview that aired on CNN on Monday night, Carroll said that rape was “sexy” and that most people think about rape fantasy.

Carroll claims that sometimes during the mid-1990s, she met Donald Trump in a Bergdorf Goodman department store, where she enticed him into a dressing room and tried on see-through lingerie for him, in hopes that he would then put it on over his clothing. She claims that Trump then sexually assaulted her in the same dressing room.

Carroll is releasing a new book called “What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal”.

A Transcript of the interview follows:

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: So you don’t feel like a victim?

E. JEAN CARROLL: I was not thrown on the ground and ravished. Which, the word “rape” carries so many sexual connotations. This was not sexual. It just, it hurt. 

COOPER: I think most people think of rape as a violent assault. It is not sexual–

CARROLL: I think most people think of rape as being sexy. 

COOPER: Let’s take a short break. 

CARROLL: Think of the fantasies.

COOPER: We’re going to take a short break. If you could stick around we can talk more. 

CARROLL: You’re fascinating to talk to. 

The entire CNN interview can be found here.

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