Former Bush Campaign Officials Launch Pro-Biden Super PAC


A delegation of former administrators and campaign officials for George W. Bush have organized a new super PAC in support of Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden. The RINO group, named 43 Alumni for Biden, has reportedly drafted nearly 200 former White House beaurocrats to turn on President Trump.

Their goal is to launch a a series of video spots featuring featurinng prominent Republicans in hopes of convincing dissatisfied republican voters to pull the lever for Biden. The group also hopes to coordinate with other anti-Trump RINO groups and well as the Biden campaign, to which they have reached out.

Kristopher Purcell, a former State Department official under Bush, told Reuters,

You don’t have to agree with a president on all of his policy decisions or agenda. We ask them to go to the White House and do what they think is in the best interest of the country. That’s what we as alumni of George W. Bush did, and we think Joe Biden will deliver that as well.

Director of press communications for the Trump campaign, Erin Perrine, said,

This is the swamp — yet again — trying to take down the duly elected president.”

President Trump is the leader of a united Republican Party where he has earned 94% of Republican votes during the primaries – something any former president of any party could only dream of.

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