Growing Number of Everyday Citizens Helping Democrats Register Republican


Democrat legislators have taken the American public for fools for far too long, and frankly, many American’s have been rather complacent. But, there is growing evidence that ‘the silent majority’ who voted for Trump in 2016 is alive and well and they are being joined by a growing number of democrat voters.

While mainstream media polls claim Biden is ahead of Trump in several key battleground states, there’s no denying that the Trump Train continues to steam full speed ahead. Brad Parscale, head of the official Trump reelection campaign reported this week that over 1 million tickets have been reserved for the first Trump rally announced since COVID lockdowns have started to ease. The rally is set to be held tomorrow, Saturday June 20th in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Well established movements like Brandon Straka’s #walkaway, Candace Owen’s, Blexit (Black exit), #Jegxit (Jewish exit), #Lexit (Latin exit), and other similar “exits” from the democrat party, are having a huge impact and giving democrat voters who feel their party has ‘left them behind’ a place to coalesce around their growing disdain for the party.

But there’s also a growing number of ordinary citizens that find themselves in a position to help bring democrats into the fold of Trump supporters and conservatives.

Some have chosen this road by design, a role exemplified by conservative activist Scott Presler, who has been a life-long conservative but only recently found himself thrust into championing for political change.

In an exclusive interview with The Washington Pundit, Presler said;

When people ask me why I became a politcal activist, I tell them I credit Barack Obama.”

His shift from bystander to activist began after the 2012 reelection of Obama. Presler said;

I thought to myself ‘you can sit around here and complain, or you can do something.’

Presler began by volunteering for local representatives in his home state of Virginia. The connections he made there led to a job in Texas, where he worked on the successful gubernatorial campaign of Greg Abbott. He also dedicated his time to defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016, by helping to register voters to the Republican party. He is now continuing his efforts using what he terms ‘voter registration harvesting’ in order to help reelect Donald Trump for a second term.

Presler credits his effort with helping to register thousands of people to vote. He travels around the country teaching other how to register people to the Republican party. He has created a guide so that community members in every state can assist others with their voter registration.

He also encourages people to donate to campaigns that could flip the house red.

Republicans only need 18 seats in the House to flip it red. Donate to campaigns in other states who need the help…Focus on Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Maine.

Presler is hard not to love. In fact, his whole approach to helping others is centered around love. He is most recently known for going to some of America’s most neglected cities, where he’s helped organize clean ups in Baltimore, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles and other forgotten cities that have fallen to neglect. He doesn’t make his visits about politics.

“I go in giving a damn about people.”

As a credit to his efforts, Presler’s twitter account touts 655,000 followers. Presler says he has never paid for traffic or followers, that his efforts have been 100% organic and 100% grassroots.

I’m just me – a guy with a Twitter account and a phone in his hand.

While Presler deliberately chose to help register voters, several Trump-supporting citizens have found themselves accidentally helping bring democrats and non-voters into the conservative fold.

Michael Burkes, who uses the Twitter account name Trump’s Black Grandson, reported last week that he assisted nearly 360 people to register as republican.

He has also started teaching classes on how to help other register and continues to post almost daily the number of people he is helping to register as conservative.

The Washington Pundit reached out to Mr. Burkes for comment, but he declined to respond.

Another accidental activist is Jamie R Army Girl, a retired 17-year Army medic who helped soldiers with injuries to their face and head. In a Twitter post last week, Jamie stated that over 50 current or former military and police had contacted her privately asking for help to either register to vote or change their party affiliation.

It just kinda happened. I’ve always been a conservative and I don’t hide who I am. So people started contacting me privately to ask for help,

Jamie told The Washington Pundit.

She described those calling her as being majority democrats who had seen enough with the current state of our country and disagree with the violent protest which “are making a mockery of blacks and the justice system.” Several people who have contacted her had never voted before and had found her by word of mouth.

She has also experienced censorship on social media. She says that Twitter followers often message her saying they can’t retweet her, or can’t reply to a tweet. Some get a message saying the tweet is unavailable, yet it’s still on her timeline.

But, none of that is stopping her.

It is very insane how things are coming about. But, I’m happy with my results!

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