House GOP Request Nellie Ohr’s Opposition Research on Donald Trump


House Republicans are reportedly seeking documents from former Fusion GPS contractor Nellie Ohr related to her research into President Donald Trump’s family, including his wife and children.

During a congressional interview Oct. 19, 2018, Ohr said while she worked for Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous Steele dossier, she compiled open-source research on the travels and business activities of Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Trump’s wife, Melania.

“I was asked to research Trump’s family broadly in connection with any — any Russian connections,” Ohr told a Republican staffer during her interview.

“Were you doing independent research based off of each family member?” the staffer asked.

“I did some,” said Ohr, a Russia linguist. “As I recall, I did some research on all of them, but not into much depth.”

Asked about her research into Trump Jr., Ohr said “I looked into some of his travels” in order to “see whether they were involved in dealings and transactions with people who had had suspicious pasts.”

House Republicans are requesting Ohr’s investigative files, according to Fox News, citing two sources familiar with the matter.

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