Illegal Immigrants Flooding Red States Pew Research Shows

The illegal alien population has boomed in at least three red states won by President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, new analysis reveals.

Pew Research Center analysis finds that in Louisiana, North Dakota, and South Dakota — three states that went overwhelmingly for Trump over failed Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election — the illegal alien population has increased over the last ten years.

Between 2007 and 2017, Louisiana — which went nearly 60 percent for Trump in the 2016 election — has an illegal alien population that has grown by 15,000.

In North Dakota, where Trump won with 63 percent of the vote, the illegal alien population has grown by 5,000 over the last decade. This is a sizeable increase for the state that has one of the smallest resident populations in the country with just 760,000 residents.

For South Dakota, a state that voted 61.5 percent for Trump, the illegal alien population has also grown by 5,000 over the past ten years. This, too, is a significant increase as the state only has a resident population of about 883,000 residents.

The illegal alien population — with an estimated 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living across the U.S. — has grown in the Democrat-controlled states of Massachusetts and Maryland. In Massachusetts, there are 60,000 more illegal aliens than there were ten years ago. In Maryland, the illegal alien population has grown by 45,000 since 2007.

Increases in illegal alien populations across red states have electoral consequences where American voters’ votes are diluted in elections due to counting illegal aliens in congressional apportionment.

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