Joe diGenova: Obama Knew CIA’S Brennan Started Trump/Russia Collusion Scheme


U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova, a Washington insider, has been right on just about everything he’s predicted in the Trump/Russia collusion scheme.
In the video below released by Judicial Watch, diGenova gives his take on bogus Mueller investigation.

Mr. diGenova on John Brennan: “Well, first of all, Mr. Brennan is the primogenitor of this entire plot… Mr. Brennan has become a bit of a nutcase… He is insistent. He is belligerent… He really is like a very guilty man protesting too much… This is a great scandal, and I expect a federal grand jury to come soon.”

Mr. diGenova on the FISA Court: In this particular case [obtaining FISA spy warrants]… Sally Yates, John Carlin, McCabe, Baker… lied to the court. They have disgraced the FBI and the Department of Justice… There is going to be a grand jury.

This scandal has been wide open for everyone to see since April 26, 2017… That’s when Chief Judge Collier of the FISA Court… outlined four years of illegal spying by FBI contractors… We do know that the White House was made aware of all this illegal activity, that President Obama was aware of it.

Watch video here:

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