Joseph Mifsud Captured by Italian Authorities


The elusive Maltese professor at the heart of the Russia collusion investigation has been captured by Italian authorizes. Mifsud, who was wrongly identified by Robert Mueller as a Russian spy, interviewed by US investigators into the Russia affair, then released by those authorized, has been in hiding since he was correctly identified as a CIA operative.

Both George Papadoupolos, who was one of the targets of Mifsud, and his wife, Simona Papadoupolos tweeted the information based on a report from an Italian newspaper, originally referenced by Twitter user @pepesgrandma. In the thread, pepesgrandma states that Mifsud was ‘kidnapped’ by Italian intelligence. The thread can be found here.

This situation is breaking and will be updated as the story progresses.

Update: George Papapoupolos has since deleted his tweet regarding the ‘kidnapping’ of Mifsud.

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