“Millenial Millie” Weaver and Husband Arrested Under Secret Indictment


The same day that conservative activist, commentator and filmmaker Millie Weaver was set to release her documentary on the deep state’s involvment in Obama’s spying operation against President Trump, called “Shadow Gate“, she was arrested at her home in Ohio in the presence of her sister and her two children. Weaver’s partner, Gavin Wince, was also arrested.

Weaver live-streamed the arrest on her Facebook page and the video quickly made it’s way to Twitter.

A GoFundMe campaign has also been started for the couple.

The arrest occured on Friday August 14, at the Weaver home. Weaver was given very little information about the reasons she was being arrested, although video did reveal the arresting officers saying the indictment was secret and that there was at least a charge of burglary.

The Portage County, Ohio Sherriff’s office confirmed to an unnamed source that the couple were arrested on charges of burglary, tampering with evidence, domestic violence and obstruction of justice. They are being held without bond until their arraignment on Monday.

The sheriff’s office also confirmed that there is a secret indictment for the couple which implies that the Portage County prosecutor met with a grand jury and showed enough evidence to justify a warrant for Weaver and Wince’s arrest.

A woman named Felicia McCarron and claiming to be Weaver’s mother posted a comment on the YouTube video of the arrest, stating that the arrest was the result of Millie taking her $50 cell phone.

According to McCarron’s comment, Weaver’s brother was also arrested.

Weaver is set to appear before a judge on Monday at around 11 a.m., though the couple does not appear on the official court docket.

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