More Demography is Destiny


Once again, the left is good about getting out in front of a problem and going on the offense. This time, they are going after JD Vance who pointed out that native born Americans are having fewer children. This is a problem throughout the west. All majority white countries seem to have this problem including Russia where Putin is urging women to have more children. Victor Orban in Hungary is also trying to get women to have more kids.

Let’s be clear, JD Vance is a Nazi for wanting to have more children. Despite Vance being married to a woman of Indian heritage and his kids not looking like him, he is already being labelled a fascist for saying so. Apparently, MSNBC analyst Molly Jong-Fast can read what’s really on JD’s mind. According to her, he only wants white children. As Megyn Kelly points out, given Vance’s brown kids, if Vance wants to be a white supremacist, he’s really bad at it.

So, I was watching Megyn Kelly’s podcast and she was interviewing Victor Davis Hanson about this very controversy. VDH quote, “Any historian worth his salt-when you look at a society in crisis- you look at is its monetary policy, its inflation policy, its borders, and especially its rate of fertility.” Starting at about minute 1:26:00

They start talking about the JD Vance non-scandal at about minute 1:24:00.

In the French podcast, “Au Coeur De L’Histoire” in talking about the sack of Rome, host Franck Ferrand says that Rome experienced a crisis in demography ever since the third century. (For my French speaking friends, here at about minute 4:55).

I’ve pointed out previously that in Will and Ariel Durant’s “The Lessons of History”, they mention all the times the Romans tried to increase the birth rate among native Romans. It didn’t work, and that contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire. In the above video VDH says that helped collapse not just the Roman Empire, but the Byzantine one too.

Somewhat amusingly, liberal Mother Jones magazine published an article titled “Demography is Destiny“. But, that was before Trump was elected. In the Mother Jones article, the author specifically notes the book, “The Emerging Democratic Majority”, which points out that demographics is turning Texas into a democratic state. Because too many white people noticed they were being replaced, Francis Fukuyama then wrote an article claiming that “Demography Is Not Destiny” solely because Trump got a few more black and Hispanic votes than previous Republican candidates. Trump still lost badly with blacks and browns. Of course, Fukuyama also wrote a book called “The End of History” which got things terribly wrong too.

Just a quick reminder, here is a compilation of Democrats saying the quiet part out loud.

Is the proper grammar, “Demographics are destiny”?

Here is Tucker Carlson telling how demography changed his home state of California from a solidly Republican state to a solid Democratic state. It was all demography.

Finally, remember that controlling the language controls the narrative. The United Nations calls it “replacement migration”. Conservatives call it the “Great Replacement.” Whatever you call it, it works out to be the same thing, the replacement of white people in the countries they historically built. But don’t believe me, just google or bing or use whatever search engine you like the phrase “United Nations replacement migration.”

The psyop continues, “It’s not happening, but it’s good that it is.”

PS Black people in Chicago are waking up to the fact that this is not just replacing white people, but black people too.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.