More Thoughts on Assassination


This is less about my previous column in which I speculated about would be Trump assassin Crooks. Crooks likely didn’t need to be hypnotized into doing what he did, he just needed to be given a nudge in that direction. I’m sure there are lots of other wannabe assassins out there fantasizing about killing Trump.

No, I’m back to the JFK assassination now that Trump has received the endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The more people learn about the JFK assassination, the less likely they are to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. With that in mind, here are some further videos and reading that can be done on the JFK assassination (besides my earlier excellent article). Below is a video title “The Clint Murchison Meeting”, but it really is the autobiography of Madeleine Duncan Brown, one of LBJ’s mistresses. Clint Murchison was a wealthy Texas oil man who held a meeting on the eve of the assassination. Some of the bigwigs there included J. Edgar Hoover. Madeleine Brown claims that LBJ came out of that meeting saying, “After tomorrow, the Kennedys will never embarrass me again.” Towards the end of the video, Brown claims she only came forward because they murdered her son, the illegitimate child of LBJ.

Interview of LBJ mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown. Video is 1:21:26 long.

Apparently, despite the “sexual revolution” not yet happening, there were a whole lotta people getting busy anyway. In this next video, Judy Vary (later Judyth Vary Baker) claims to have been the mistress of Lee Harvey Oswald. She ties in a lot of seemingly far fetched plots, but makes them all seem very human and rational at the time.

Interview of Judyth Vary, cancer researcher

If people wonder why more people didn’t come forward about the JFK assassination if so many people knew of it, it’s because of fear. The mafia was involved and witnesses could wind up with shortened lives. One of the women who helped recruit Vary wound up dead and her body burned, then moved to a new location.

I’ll link to James Files’ confession. He’s out of prison now, and I really wish he was interviewed in front of Congress. I’m convinced in part based on my training of truth telling that Files was in fact the man on the “Grassy Knoll” taking the last second shot. Files has some interesting things to say about the murder of Marilyn Monroe too. Interestingly, it dovetails with the story told about Monroe’s death in the book “Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America” by the younger brother of mob boss Sam Giancana, Chuck Giancana. According to Chuck Giancana, Sam Giancana wanted to embarrass the Kennedys with Marilyn’s death, but the Kennedys managed to cover it up. According to Files, Chuck Nicoletti was dispatched to do her in and Bobby Kennedy actually let Nicoletti and a confederate into the house. Maybe Bobby didn’t know what they were there for. Perhaps, he thought they were doctors or there to give her an abortion. I doubt he realized they were there to murder her. Who knows now? Maybe James Files.

Here’s Robert F. Kennedy talking about the involvement of actor Woody Harrelson’s father in the assassination of JFK.

“He was not a shooter” Short video, three minutes long

One other interesting character involved was a man named Chauncey Holt. Holt’s daughter actually made an interview with him that used to be up on Youtube, but is no more. Holt claimed to have been tasked by the CIA with making fake Secret Service badges and credentials for use in Dallas. Holt has a book called, “Self Portrait of a Scoundrel” and he claimed a close friendship with mob boss Meyer Lansky, they both loved math. Holt came forward because he felt bad for Lee Oswald’s family and Oswald getting blamed for a crime he didn’t commit.

I will leave it at that for the moment. If Trump wins passed the margin of lawyer (the margin of fraud), then things will get very interesting. The CIA must be a little bit in panic mode right now. They don’t want Robert F. Kennedy Jr. anywhere near a seat of power where he can scrutinize the Deep State, what David Talbot called the “Shadow Government”. (Speaking of shadow government, who is running the country now that Biden is on permanent vacation and Kamala is in hiding?)

P.S. Because I like listening to the Megyn Kelly show, yesterday, one of her guests claimed that the Secret Service Agent in the front passenger seat of JFK’s limo accidentally shot JFK when he (the Agent) turned around to see what was going on. My cousin told me of the same theory. Here is the actual video of the assassination. Even if the Zapruder film was doctored by removing three frames (as the guest contended), it would be impossible for the Agent to turn far enough around and shoot between Governor Connally and his wife into JFK. Plus, everyone in the limo would have heard and seen him take that shot too.

Not to mention, if the Secret Service Agent had shot him with a handgun, the round would have been very obvious at the autopsy. For my money, James Files’s story remains the most plausible. According to Files, he was using an XP-100 Remington handgun nicknamed the fireball that was chambered in .222. This cut down rifle of a handgun did fire the kind of high velocity round that would have blown out the back skull of JFK.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.