Murdered Arkansas State Senator Was Closing in on Gov’t Child Traffickers


Former Republican Arkansas state Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who was found murdered in her home in Pocahontas, Arkansas last week, believed she was closing in on child-traffickers working from inside the Arkansas state government.

A verified source close to Collins-Smith told CD Media that she was about to publicly announce the incriminating evidence showing sitting judges in Arkansas, who were involved in taking children from poor women through the Arkansas Department of Human Services (child protective services) and selling them to rich benefactors. The source also divulged that Collins-Smith believed the perpetrators were using illegal immigrants to cover up other crimes, which included murdering the mothers of the abducted children.

CD Media also stated that their source believes the murder of former Oklahoma State Senator Jonathan Nichols, who was found murdered in his Oklahoma home the day after Collins-Smith, and the murder of Collins-Smith are connected.

Linda Collins-Smith was the primary sponsor of HB1923, which became Act 922, a bill requiring the completion of a human trafficking prevention course prior to issuance of a Class A commercial driver’s license.

CD Media has much more information to release but we are in the process of verifying the information first. A gag order appears to be in place regarding Collin-Smith’s murder< which is impeding the investigation.

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