NXIVM Sex Cult Benefactor Funneled Illegal Donations to Clinton Campaign


Seagram’s heiress and accused Nxivm benefactor Clare Bronfman tried to buy influence for the alleged sex cult by illegally raising money for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, a former group member testified in court Monday.

Bronfman funneled thousands of dollars into Clinton’s campaign coffers — far in excess of legal limits to contributions — to “curry favor” with the powerhouse political family, according to Mark Vicente, a documentary filmmaker and former member of the Nxivm group that is accused of keeping women as sex slaves.

Sex Cult Victims Were Branded With Founders Initials

“Clare Bronfman approached other people and said she would like to make a campaign contribution but she couldn’t make it above a certain amount,” Vicente testified in Brooklyn federal court Monday.

“I wrote a check. She paid me back.”

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Image Credit: Zero Hedge

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