This is one of the biggest fraud cases in our history and no one wants to touch it with a ten-foot pole, except those of us who actually want to know the truth, and people like former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The fraudulent documents from the usurper of the White House for eight years, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, are forgeries and fakes, according to Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse. However, CNN actually brought Arpaio on and when Arpaio invited them down to his office to look at the massive amount of evidence that Obama put out a “fake phony birth certificate,” neither CNN nor anyone in the media took him up on his offer.
The fraudulent document was uploaded to the White House after then citizen Donald Trump played the part of calling out Obama on his birth certificate and offered a tremendous about of money, $50 million, to show his college records, and author Jerome Corsi was set to release a book on the subject.
Here’s the forged document that was uploaded by the Obama administration and touted as authentic even though the myriad of evidence, not just from Arpaio, but even from Israeli science, proved otherwise.

Image Credit: Video Screen Capture