Second Democrat Sentenced for Doxxing Republicans During Kavanaugh Confirmation


Another aide to Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH), was sentenced for taking part in hacking computers from the Senator’s office in order to obtain the names and personal information of Republicans voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.

From Breitbart:

The aide, Samantha DeForest-Davis, is the second Hassan staffer to be sentenced in the burglary-and-doxing case. Her collaborator, Jackson Cosko, pleaded guilty to five federal offenses in June after hacking Senate computers to obtain similar information on Republicans, an act he said was spurred by anger at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. He was sentenced to four years in prison. DeForest-Davis has been sentenced to a suspended sentence of 180 days in prison, together with 200 hours of community service and two years of supervised probation.

DeForest-Davis and Cosko conspired to post the home addresses and phone numbers of Republican congressmen Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Mike Lee (R-UT) and former Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

DeForest-Davis lied to police regarding the incident, but then admitted to providing Cosko with keys to Hassan’s office, and to wiping down office computers in an attempt to remove Cosko’s fingerprints.

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