Second NC Municipality Approves Reparations for Black Residents


Last week, Buncombe County, North Carolina joined Asheville in approving reparations for black citizens. County officials passed Resolution No. 20-08-03, which mandates that the county prioritize, eliminate racial inequity, improve education gaps and disparities in the healthcare and the justice system.

See Asheville NC Passes Reparations

Buncombe County commissioners approved the reparations resolution on split vote of 4 to 3. As was the case in the Asheville resolution, Buncombe County’s also apologizes for the county’s role in slavery. It also apologizes for the county’s historical policies which promoted segregation, discrimination, pain and suffering to Black communities.

The measure does not approve direct payments, but implores county staff to put racial equity at the forefront of the Buncombe County Strategic Plan. Buncombe County will also participate in Asheville’s Community Reparations Commission, which will be responsible for determining sources of funding for any proposed changes.

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