The Greatest Bait and Switch in Modern History


Rarely has there been a more controversial and divisive bait and switch in the history of the United States than the well-orchestrated diversity, equity and inclusion scam that is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to change the country under the guise of ‘social justice’. Shifting the attention of the population at-large from the foundational principles which were set by the founding fathers to more radical ideological theories that are actually rooted in Marxism, socialism, and communism.

The United States has for the last five decades transformed from a nation of ‘opportunity’ to a nation that focuses less on freedom, and more on control, manipulation and forced adherence to rules, and guidelines; one that doesn’t view the personal rights and civil liberties of the individual, but one that highlights racist activities as honorable while demonizing those who dare oppose the agenda that is being pushed by political elites, big corporations, and big tech in the name of social justice. How was it possible to move so quickly from a nation of opportunity to a nation that is divided by race?

It’s hard to understand how the noble attempts by the founding fathers to create a union of States giving its citizens equal rights, freedoms, and opportunities could devolve into a nation that is so obsessed with social justice that it has reached the point of collapse. There is too much to unpack with regard to this topic, but this article will examine some of the more specific factors that contributed to the actual bait and switch.

What the Founding Fathers Intended

Signing of the Declaration of Independence

The media, political action groups and radical factions of the country have switched the original intentions of the founding fathers into philosophical discussions with their roots in Marxism, racism, and tribalism. So, what exactly did the founding fathers intend when they penned the founding documents? The colonists knew well of the harsh treatment and realities of life under the domination of powerful overlords that were intent on enslaving its citizenry. This included the fact that race, ethnicity, and religious independence were a major part of the discussion. There is no need to look further than the opening words of the Declaration of Independence to understand what the creators of the nation wanted for their nation, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.”

Declaration of Independence

“Equal” is the primary word in this text that is the most significant. Modern apologists know that in order to promote their own theories and narratives it was necessary to eliminate the factual events and create their own ‘histories’ of how things happened. In other words, they needed to create a series of events that ‘pre-dated’ the events recorded in history. This why things like critical race theory took off with such an impacting effect on the country. Critical race theory began in the United States in the post–civil rights era, as 1960s landmark civil rights laws were being eroded and schools were being re-segregated. It is during the early 1960s that President John F. Kennedy used Executive Order (EO) 10925 to create the first in a series of actions that were the genesis of Affirmative Action.

The fact that the so-called attempts to make life as a U.S. citizen better, they actually created the foundation for the radicalization of virtually every facet of the American experience. Since President Kennedy’s EO to present, there has been fertile ground on which to grow dissent, chaos, and division among the citizenry of the nation. Much of the dissent was the result of Marxist thinkers who quietly use everything that was supposed to help in the area of affirmative action to change the culture of the nation to one of what is termed “systemic racism.”

One of the premises of the CRT movement that was the result of affirmative action is this, “hidden racism pervades American institutions. CRT teaches people to seize on any racial disparity as ipso facto proof of racial discrimination, despite the clear prohibitions on racial discrimination in federal law. Advocates claim that the American status quo is racist — if not “white supremacist” — so extreme measures to reverse historic injustices are the only “anti-racist” option. It wasn’t until the early part of the 21st century that affirmative action transformed into its current radicalized form of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Just because you call for the mob doesn’t mean you control the mob

Today, the air waves are full of content promoting and propagandizing the belief that the United States has from its inception been racist, misogynist, and inherently evil. So what are the options the radical theorists offer? They must come to terms with what the original “equality” that was framed into the founding documents meant, and be able to clearly identify who is able to experience the freedoms that were established by the founding fathers. In other words, who’s equality is the most important?

When Equality is Different for Everyone

In a modern culture where the rules have been changed to promote alternate realities, it behooves each individual to clarify what is meant by free and equal. At the root of the disconnect plaguing the nation lies within the various different narratives being promoted by different organizations, groups, and factions of society. Individuals must become aware of the different ways social justice organizations have changed the way they live and interact in society. Groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Anti-Fascist Action (Antifa) have become household names, but there are others lurking behind the scene that have gone a long way to changing the way societal culture is framed. Groups like EJI (Equal Justice Initiative), TLC (Transgender Law Center), National LGBTQ Association, and others are promoting what they call ‘social justice’ agendas that highlight the unfair and biased systems in the United States.

Logos of various Marxist Social Justice Organizations

The purposes of these organizations were supposedly designed to identify and correct the social evils that are historically inherent within the framework of the nation. Instead, what they have done is open a Pandora’s box of maladies that have created complete confusion and division. Notable features of BLM and ANTIFA are riots, criminal unrest, destruction of public, private, and federal property, the deaths of private citizens as well as law enforcement, and the destruction of historical monuments and facilities that have been significant landmarks throughout the history of the nation. Literally everything being done from this radicalized faction of society has been identified as being an acceptable form of ‘reparation,’ and done in the name of ‘social justice.’ All the while, these culprits claim immunity from guilt based on the assumption their ‘equality’ is greater than any other individual. In other words, one among equals, but they are more equal than the rest.

How Does the Scam Work?

In order for any scam to work, there must be the appearance that whatever scam is being perpetrated must take on a form of legitimacy. For example, phone phishing is one of the most notorious schemes to plague households over the past two decades. Innocent victims receive a phone call from someone claiming to represent a reputable organization, requesting private and personal information over the phone. Unsuspecting individuals not aware of the scam give away their information without realizing they are becoming the victims of phone fraud and theft. Other similar scams like someone claiming to have millions of dollars stashed away in an international bank account for someone to receive in exchange for stipulated amounts of money in order to release the funds.

In order for any scam to work, there must be the appearance that whatever scam is being perpetrated must take on a form of legitimacy. For example, phone phishing is one of the most notorious schemes to plague households over the past two decades. Innocent victims receive a phone call from someone claiming to represent a reputable organization, requesting private and personal information over the phone. Unsuspecting individuals not aware of the scam give away their information without realizing they are becoming the victims of phone fraud and theft. Other similar scams like someone claiming to have millions of dollars stashed away in an international bank account for someone to receive in exchange for stipulated amounts of money in order to release the funds.

Most scams take on a life of their own, but the bait and switch is perhaps the best known scam. This activity requires the scammer to present a proposition that is believable, contains components of the scam that are based in fact, and offers victims an opportunity to take part for either their own betterment or the betterment of others. With regard to the current diversity, equity and inclusion scam, each identified part of the scam has elements of truth in them. Diversity deals with the quality or condition of being diverse. It deals with a variety of ethnicities and social backgrounds.

Both of these factors are true, but social justice warriors claim that they are somehow connected to the evil past of the nation that is apparently xenophobic and racially biased. The argument states that the United States has always been anti-immigrant and anti-inclusive of minority and racially ethnic groups.

The argument made by CRT proponents tells the sad tale of African individuals who were slaves to the colonists, which implies that colonials were the creators of slavery. This of course is a false assumption, made to give the impression of an evil intent on the part of the founding fathers, which is ultimately false. Approximately 20% of the individuals living in colonial America were of African descent, most of whom came from Great Britain as slaves. The exact timing of their enslavement was not determined, but in fact, the vast majority of individuals coming from Great Britain were indentured servants, not specific to racially ethnic groups. There were in the colonies multiple racially ethnic groups from all walks of life and stature. The assumption that one racial group was predominantly responsible for the atrocities of slavery is false. Slavery existed for over two dozen centuries prior to the colonization of North America.

The second part of the scam is really about word play. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence both go into significant detail concerning ‘equality.’ The Declaration is quite clear that all men are created equal. This is what the facts are. Social justice apologists have used a word similar in spelling, but quite different in meaning. The catch word of the day appears to be ‘equity.’ Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.

So, it is evident by the definitions of these two words that the means are not remotely connected in terms of the framework or structure of the nation when it was created by the founding fathers. However, the social justice scammer has no problem associating anyone who disagrees with their propaganda as an enemy of ‘democracy.’ This is a tactic that has been used to promote the agenda of Marxist antagonists who desire and purpose has always been to destroy the very fabric that holds the Republic together.

The third past of the scam has to do with ‘inclusion.’ This particular feature focuses on allowing the uninterrupted flow of illegal immigrants into the United States by any means possible. The promotion of sanctuary cities and zones has to do with the fact that those who do not follow the rules, laws, and standards which help to maintain order in a country should not be judged based on their affiliations and/or actions. This also involves the dehumanization of gender to the point that individuals can choose what their particular status in life is, whether, male, female, or some other non-classified category of being. It’s obvious that such confusion is not only dangerous in a functioning society, but it has disastrous consequences that once set in motion can take decades of time to correct.


There are serious activities taking place in the United States regarding culture, society, and individual. Those pushing the various non-factual and racial agendas have no interest or desire to adhere to the historical foundations the nation is based on. Their goal is to create chaos, confusion, and division. Whatever the case, it is necessary for those seeking to successfully understand exactly what they need to know regarding the sacrifices made by those who fought and died to protect the freedoms people enjoy. Don’t get caught up in the bait and switch that is being sold as the truth.

The Washington Pundit | Speak Truth To Power

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