The Manchurian Candidate Assassin?


“If you think you have the moral high ground, that’s a very dangerous position and you can do some really dreadful things…You see it with terrorists these days who think that Allah is on their side, or, history is on their side, or, whatever.” Brian Flanagan

I was recently rewatching the documentary “The Weather Underground” which is where I got the above quote at about minute 1:28:43. Flanagan is one of the few former members of the Weather Underground who seems to express some genuine regret over what they did.

The left is very good at seizing what they perceive as the moral high ground. They are more altruistic than you; more caring, more giving, and just plane better than you. If you disagree with them on anything, climate change, gun control, immigration etc…then, you are a racist, bigot, Nazi, xenophobe, and just a bad person. They seem to say, “Look at us, we are better than you.” It’s why I like to call them the holier than thou types.

Going along with the above quote, this allows the left to call for the assassination of Trump, the jailing of anyone who disagrees with them (Trump again, but also the peaceful January 6 protesters), the disbarment of lawyers like Rudy Giuliani who dare to defend those who disagree with them. Then, there’s the deplatforming of conservative pundits and websites. Jared Taylor still isn’t on Twitter while VDare is being harassed and sued into oblivion. They have never heeded Fredrich Nietzsche’s warning that, “He who fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” The left has been so busy absurdly accusing the guy who let his daughter marry a Jew and who has been to the Wailing Wall wearing one of those skull caps of being a Nazi that they have lost sight of all reality.

But, I’m not here to talk about all of that. I’m back to conspiracies and I’m going out on a bit of a limb here, but please bare with me.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr has claimed that his father was NOT shot by Sirhan Sirhan. Instead, he was shot by the security guard standing behind RFK Sr. Robert Kennedy Sr spun around and actually ripped the tie off of the security guard. Sirhan Sirhan never got behind Kennedy Senior, yet, he was shot four times from behind where the security guard was standing.

Above: Robert Kennedy Jr. tells the details of the autopsy that convinced him his father was not killed by Sirhan Sirhan (8 minutes long).

What could have made Sirhan Sirhan behave in such a manner? After all, he was described as a gentle soul by those who knew him. Is it possible to hypnotize someone into becoming an assassin? Well interestingly, British illusionist Derren Brown took up the question. Here is the shorter version:

Above: It’s about 8:41 minutes long. In it, he attempts to make a “Manchurian Candidate” assassin. Spoiler alert, he succeeds.

If you are interested, I’m linking to the full episode here. (If you watch the longer version, take note of how hypnosis improves the shooter’s skills. Crooks was said to be a terrible shot). Basically, Derren takes a very gullible subject and manages to hypnotize him and convince him to not only shoot a lecturer named Stephen Fry (never heard of him before, but I’m not British), but also leaves him with no memory of the event.

Now, let’s take a look at Thomas Matthew Crooks. He appears to have been an extra in a Blackrock commercial. What are the chances? Blackrock has now pulled down the commercial which sort of vindicates that it is indeed him. He also used drugs and was probably a mental patient.

Now, BlackRock Inc is the world’s largest investment firm. Why would they want Trump dead? Is he not good for business? As I write this, Trump announced that he just picked Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate. Mr. Vance has a history with BlackRock and it’s not one that BlackRock particularly cares for. Vance has been “grilling” the fed chair over the fact that immigration drives up housing costs and lowers wages. During the hearing, Vance read off this statement from a town official in Springfield, Ohio: “Springfield’s Haitian population has increased to 15,000 to 20,000 over the last four years in a community of just under 60,000 previous residents, putting a significant strain on our resources and ability to provide ample housing for all of our residents. Despite 2,000 additional housing units set to come online over the next three to five years, this is still not enough.

Vance has also said that BlackRock is engaged in immoral and unethical conduct. “There are two schools of thought within the GOP on Blackrock. The old guard thinks they’re creating value and need to be rewarded with tax cuts. I think they’re destroying value and are engaged in illegal and immoral conduct. They need to be dealt with accordingly,” Vance wrote.

It seems that BlackRock has a nice incentive to get rid of Vance as the Vice-Presidential candidate. They may very well fear him even more than Trump. Commentator Mike Cernovich has called Vance assassination insurance. Unfortunately, for BlackRock and company, that would have worked to get rid of Vance if the bullets had found their mark, but now it’s too late.

I would not be surprised if globalist big businesses try to compromise Vance in some other way. They will be putting on their thinking caps and trying to blackmail him or use lawfare against him just like they are doing against Trump. Frankly, Vance seems to scare them more.

EDIT: Youtube has since added an age restriction warning to the full Derren Brown episode on assassinations. I believe this is the same video, but on Rumble.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.