Trump Calls Out New York For Hiding Ventilators Delivered by Federal Government


President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act in order to nationalize our medical supply chain. Without the need for direction, many of our top companies have stepped up to alter production lines to make hand sanitizer, masks, and ventilators.

But, the leadership in New York seems to be inefficient in it’s delivery of a thousand ventilators delivered to the state by the federal government, according to a tweet by President Trump.

Is New York trying to pull a Puerto Rico style shortage on the president?

While Andrew Cuomo gets all the accolades and very possibly the democrat nomination for president should there be a brokered convention, the democrat-run state of New York continues to force medical professionals to make very hard decisions in life and death situations.

Mayor Bill de Blasio finally responds.

New York is part of the heart of America. She needs to do better.

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