Ukranian Court Names Joe Biden as Secret American Listed in Burisma Documents


One America News is reporting that a Ukrainian court has formerly listed presidential candidate Joe Biden in a criminal case. The case centers around the firing of Ukraine’s former Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin over his investigations into a company for which Biden’s son worked. Shokin asked that events leading to his firing be investigated in February of 2020.

Shokin and the law suit, allege that Joe Biden forced him to be removed from his position as prosecutor general because he was investigating Burisma, an oil and gas company, for which Biden’s son, Hunter, was a highly paid board member. Biden asked then Ukrainian president Poroshenko to fire Shokin, in exchange for $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to Ukraine, which Biden threatened would be withheld otherwise. Biden himself admitted, in a recorded press conference, that he did in fact threaten to withhold the aid unless Shokin was fired in a classic quid pro quo.

At the time Shokin called for the investigation, Biden was listed as ‘an unnamed American.’ It was widely understood that this individual was likely Joe Biden, but he was never formally named. The Ukrainian courts have now ruled that it is “improper to conceal the name and that there is sufficient evidence to proceed with an investigation.” The ruling, which can not be appealed, was announced in a press conference in Ukraine.

In addition to the ruling, Andrey Dekach, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, released a series of phone conversations that appear to show then-Secretary of State John Kerry, Vice President Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Poroshenko discussing the Burisma case and the removal of Shokin. The recordings appear to have been leaked by government whistleblowers and have not been substantiated by anyone allegedly on the calls. Their authenticity is currently being verified.

Ukraine’s President Zelensky expects there to be further developments in the case and says the case could be seen as high treason. Joe Biden has yet to respond to the allegations.

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