Virginia Lawmakers Advance Gun Control Law Despite Rally Supporting 2A


In a tweet soon after the culmination of the completely peaceful rally of gun rights activists in the Virginia Capitol of Richmond, Va Governor Ralph Northam said he would continue to listen to Virginians with regards to what they want for their state. But he isn’t listening if those Virginians oppose his proposed gun control measures and neither are Virginia’s other leaders.

CBS affiliate WTVR reports:

RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia Senate has advanced legislation that would allow authorities to take guns away from people deemed dangerous to themselves or others.

The Democratic-led Senate gave preliminary approval to approved the so-called “red flag” law. SB 240 would create a process for attorneys and law enforcement to file emergency orders prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or transferring a firearm if they pose “a substantial risk of injury to himself or others.”

The move comes a day after tens of thousands of gun-rights activists rallied peacefully at the state Capitol.

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