Further Thoughts on the VP Debate


I was recently watching the HBO documentary Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections. It’s a fascinating documentary and I am a little surprised that it hasn’t been taken down yet. Of course, it being made by liberals, while it does expose the risk of hacking to things like Dominion Voting Systems, it blames things like this on RUSSIA! There’s no real mention that people here in America could very well be hacking those machines here.

The trailer to the movie. The full documentary is in the link above in blue.

Please watch the full movie, whether Democrat or Republican, this should worry all of us. (Again, the full documentary is above in the blue link).

Going back to the debate, as I said in my earlier column, there were two things that stood out to me during the debate. The previous column tackled the immigration portion. The second problem is the January 6th so called “insurrection”.

I’ve covered the insurrection hoax in two previous columns. The one dealt with Tucker Carlson’s interview of Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund. Here is the full interview. The GAO report on the fedsurrection says that the FBI had 18 operatives there. Also, I wrote about the strange case of Ray Epps. In that article, I pointed out the video from Project Veritas where New York Times “journalist” Matthew Rosenberg was sent to cover the January 6th protest. What’s interesting about Rosenberg is that he usually covers national security issues. So, why was he picked to cover the protest? He actually says in the undercover video, “You need sources from within to dig into those places [intelligence agencies]. Especially, over at the CIA and NSA, if you work there, you get polygraphed, and you’re asked if you’ve spoken to a reporter. If your answer is anything but no, you are in deep trouble. So, I’ve been talking to former people who are talking to people who are still in [CIA/NSA].”

Above undercover video of NYT journalist Matthew Rosenberg telling the truth in his own words about the fedsurrection.

The activist group Judicial Watch claims to have uncovered evidence that the CIA had teams deployed to the Capitol on January 6th. The CIA is not supposed to operate domestically, but for some reason, it appears they were.

So, I think it’s safe to say that our election machines can be hacked by enemies of democracy whether foreign or domestic. (I include Republics in that as a republic is a form of representative democracy).

Of course, the Democrats would never register illegal aliens to vote. Why, that would be illegal, and while illegal aliens might break into the U.S. illegally, they would never then break any of our other laws, impossible…except when it does happen. If you have an X-twitter account, here’s the slightly longer version. Of course, there are many more stories about illegal aliens voting such as this one.

The Democrats are getting in front of this too with the usual, “It’s not happening.” Then, “OK, it’s happening, but it’s not enough to sway the election.” Which will eventually be followed by “Yes, it’s happening, and it’s good that it is happening because if you have a problem with it, then you’re RACIST!”

Now, if you are going to try to hack an election whether by rigging the machines or getting a massive amount of illegal aliens to vote, there might be people who are not fooled by your chicanery. What do you do about them? Well, if they protest, then you try to get them to do something violent, and then you imprison them to shut them up and cause the rest to cower in fear lest they also be given massive prison sentences so as to ruin their lives.

Another good method is to go on offense. No one ever won a boxing match by only blocking punches and never throwing any back. No one ever won a war through defense only. You do not win football games by never putting your offense on the field. Answer, you go on offense! Put your opponent on defense. Claim that if they don’t accept the election results, they are a threat to our democracy! Tell them that they are inciting violence! Make them afraid, very afraid!

So, during the debate, Norah O’Donnell went on offense with this loaded question, “Let’s talk about the state of democracy.” (Which she claims is one of the top issues among voters, it’s not, and she leaves immigration off of her list). “After the 2020 election President Trump’s campaign and others filed 62 lawsuits contesting the results. Judges, including those appointed by President Trump, and other Republican presidents, looked at the evidence and said there was no widespread fraud. The governors of every state in the nation-Republican and Democrat- certified the 2020 election results and sent a legal slate of electors to congress for January 6th. Senator Vance, you have said you would have not certified the last presidential election, and would have asked the states to submit alternative electors. That has been called unconstitutional and illegal. Would you again seek to challenge this year’s election results even if every governor certifies the results. I’ll give you two minutes.”

Wow! Talk about a loaded question. She might as well have finished with, “And by the way Senator Vance, have you stopped beating your wife lately?” There’s a lot to unpack there, but O’Donnell did a great job of going on offense and putting Vance on the defensive. He looked guilty before he even had the opportunity to open his mouth.

I could not have answered as well as Vance since I don’t think on my feet nearly as well, but if I were in his shoes, I would have started off by advising the viewers to watch the documentary, “Kill Chain” (I cannot recommend it enough), and ask yourselves if it isn’t plausible that American elections can be stolen. The second thing I would have said is that unlike Mike Pence, I would not have folded like a cheap suit under pressure. Senator Ted Cruz had looked around at our nation’s past in order to see how such controversies were handled back in the day. He found allegations of fraud in the 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes versus Samuel Tilden presidential race. In that race, there were disputed outcomes in Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Oregon. From Wikipedia‘s entry on it, “Although Tilden defeated Hayes in the official popular vote tally, the election involved substantial electoral fraud, voter intimidation by paramilitary groups, and disenfranchisement of black Republicans. The election had the highest voter turnout of the eligible voting-age population in American history, at 82.6%.” I like to think that I would have had the guts to side with Ted Cruz and opt for alternative electors and to do a real investigation to see if there was fraud in the election. Cruz wanted an electoral commission to investigate it. I think Cruz’s plan was the best.

My take away from the loaded question is that the Democrats are telegraphing that they will be cheating on November 5th. They are getting in front of the problem and putting anyone who would dare to question the results on the defensive.

P.S. Before I forget. Both Brazil and Venezuela have recently had elections with shady results. Even our Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken has claimed the opposition actually won the election unlike what the final results showed. I also watched Steven Crowder’s interview of Brazilian journalists Paulo Figueiredo and Allan Dos Santos. The journalists are targets of Brazilian Supreme Court Minister Alexandre de Moraes. Former president Bolsonaro tried to get rid of electronic voting machines in the name of election integrity, but was prevented from doing so. This likely resulted in a fraudulent election.

There is good reason to be worried about our upcoming election.

P.P.S. JD Vance didn’t directly answer the biased question, but he was able to throw it back into their faces.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century".

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.

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