Alfa Bank Hoax – Part 2: “Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave”


The Alfa Bank Hoax did not end with the election of President Trump in 2016. The same players who initiated the Alfa Bank Hoax—cybersecurity expert Rodney Joffe and attorney Michael Sussmann would continue to use researchers Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, and Dan Jones to spread the false flag to the FBI, DOJ, Senate, House, and corporate media.

As revealed in his trial brought as part of the Durham Investigation, Sussmann—who was attorney for both Hillary Clinton and Joffe, and a former federal prosecutor himself—brought a “white paper” to the FBI in October 2016 detailing alleged communication between Russian Alfa Bank and the Trump campaign organization. Shortly after the FBI visit, Hillary Clinton’s team tweeted out links to news articles that stated Joffe—using the pseudonym “Max”—was looking into Alfa Bank/Trump organization connections through an email address ‘’ (see Part 1 of this series).

Who Are the Players?

This is confusing. I know. It is confusing by design to have many layers of firewalls in between all the false flag hoaxes. To simplify, let us step back and give a brief overview of some of the key players in the Alfa Hoax mentioned throughout this series.

Michael Sussmann: A partner at the time of the Democratic party aligned law firm Perkins Coie during both the Alfa Bank and Steele Dossier hoaxes, and attorney for both Rodney Joffe and Hillary Clinton. A former Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA) and Special Assistant in the DOJ Criminal Division specializing in computer crime.

Michael Sussmann seen arriving for a federal court appearance in April 2022

Daniel Jones: Former U.S. Senate investigator and former FBI intelligence analyst. Former Senior Vice President and Public Policy Advisor of The Daschle Group. Founder and President of the “public interest investigative” non-profit organizations Advance Democracy, Inc. (ADI) and The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP), as well of a “research and investigative advisory” company—The Penn Quarter Group (PQG). Jones is best known for his reporting on a CIA torture scandal related to the agency’s post-9/11 Detention and Interrogation Program—his investigative discoveries about the CIA program were later made into a movie called The Report.

Daniel Jones shown in an interview while still a congressional staffer

Rodney Joffe: Former Senior Vice President and Security Chief Technology Officer at Neustar Inc., specializing in large data collections. Government contractor that participated in many contracts with different agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Used the aliases “Max” and “John Galt” at different times when referenced in news articles.

Rodney Joffe – former Senior VP and Security CTO Neustar Inc.

April Lorenzen: She is a researcher at ZETAlytics, specializing in massive passive DNS data. During the DOJ vs Michael Sussmann case, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Scott Hellmann testified the data Sussmann provided to them—that sourced Lorenzen who “assembled” the underlying data—looked like whoever did it “was suffering from a mental disorder”. Lorenzen has gone by the aliases “Tea Leaves” and “Tina Doug” (when used in conjunction with David Dagon, see below).

April Lorenzen – Researcher at ZETAlytics

David Dagon: Dagon is a data scientist at Georgia Tech who had contracts with government agencies for attributions to cyber threats and breaches. Alias “Tina Doug” when communicating with Daniel Jones in the Wickr app, and has stated Tina Doug was code for the combined contributions of both Dagon and Lorenzen.

David Dagon (Right) pictured with a fellow Georgia Tech IT Researcher

Glenn Simpson: Former Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporter, and co-founder and owner of Fusion GPS, a private research company the Hillary Clinton campaign paid—through law firm Perkins Coie—to produce the Steele Dossier.

Glenn Simpson (Center) outside of a hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee in 2018

Christopher Steele: Former British MI6 intelligence officer, and co-founder and owner of Orbis Business Intelligence, a private UK research company. Steele is also the namesake of the infamous Steele Dossier. Fusion GPS originally presented Steele to federal authorities and journalists as the investigator who compiled and authored the report.

Former MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele seen arriving at a London court appearance in 2020

Igor Danchenko: A Russian citizen and permanent U.S. resident. Former Brookings Institution analyst from 2005 to 2010 during which time the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation and obtained a FISA warrant suspecting him of being a Russian spy. Years later he would be hired by Steele to do research on Trump and his associates. During this time, Danchenko attempted to make contact with Sergei Millian through two unsolicited emails, and would be used by Steele as a primary sub-source in the Steele Dossier.

Igor Danchenko seen leaving a federal courthouse after his arrangement in his criminal case brought by the Durham Investigation in 2021.

How The Scheme Began To Take Shape

Originally tweeted by FOOL NELSON (@FOOL_NELSON) on October 15, 2021.

Daniel Jones went to work for The Daschle Group shortly after leaving his job as a U.S. Senate congressional investigator. It is believed that Fusion GPS paid The Daschle Group 14 payments between February 2016 and February 2017. If “Twitter Sleuths” are correct, it was The Daschle Group behind one of the redactions in a Fusion GPS spreadsheet. Jones admits to having coffee with Glenn Simpson— shortly after leaving the Senate—to discuss his new career as a private researcher. The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP)—Jones’ nonprofit company—paid Fusion GPS $3.3m dollars shortly after TDIP’s formation in January 2017. TDIP would also pay Walsingham Partners hundreds of thousands of dollars—which is closely affiliated Christopher Steele. Jones also appears to have set up a number of other front companies and nonprofit groups including Penn Quarter Group—who also made payments to Steele and Simpson—and Advanced Democracy, Inc. (ADI) that he started in January 2018.

Jones would meet with Simpson, Sussmann, Steele, Joffe, Lorenzen, and Dagon on different occasions to explore an assignment given to him by the Senate Arms Services Committee (SASC) to compile an Alfa Bank Report.

Both Rodney Joffe and April Lorenzen would coordinate with Daniel Jones about their findings on Alfa Bank/Trump organization communications. Joffe would email Jones about Alfa Bank DNS lookups under the pseudonym “John Galt”, but would be introduced to Jones at meetings in Michael Sussmann’s office as “Max”—the same pseudonym used to identify him various news articles. His fellow researcher, April Lorenzen, used the pseudonym “Tea Leaves”. Lorenzen— however—would also use another pseudonym when talking to Jones in private Wickr app chats. Lorenzen—along with yet another researcher named David Dagon—would sign their communications using the shared pseudonym “Tina Doug”—as Jones would confirm in a deposition in the Alfa Bank vs John Doe case. Jones would later deny he knew Lorenzen as “Tea Leaves”—only as half of the “Tina Doug” alias she shared with Dagon. Lorenzen was heavily quoted in media articles as “Tea Leaves” alongside of Joffe using the alias “Max”, and be identified as working together as the “Union of Concerned Nerds”.

Daniel Jones would text “Tina Doug” on the Wickr app what his objectives were with the Alfa Bank Report. To quote Jones directly from the chat with Lorenzen and/or Dagon,

“Our task is to make one last effort to make investigators interested in opening this up again. It’s an uphill battle, as you know.”

Now, who was paying whom?

  • Michael Sussmann’s law firm, Perkins Coie, would pay Glenn Simpson for dirt on Trump.
  • Christopher Steele’s company, Orbis, paid Fusion GPS for research on Paul Manafort.
  • Glenn Simpson’s company, Fusion GPS, paid Christopher Steele for research on Trump’s connections to Russia.
  • Daniel Jones’s companies, PQG and TDIP, paid Steele and Simpson for research on Russia and Alfa Bank.
  • Simpson paid Dan Jones for research when Jones was VP at The Daschle Group.
  • The FBI paid Steele for research on various topics including Russia.
  • Multiple government agencies would pay Joffe, Dagon, and Lorenzen for data analysis.
  • The Senate did not pay for Daniel Jones’s 600-page white paper on Alfa Bank/Trump Organization ties.
  • All these men—Jones, Simpson, Steele, and Sussmann—would go to employees at the FBI and DOJ with white papers on their research findings.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive” ~ Walter Scott from the poem ‘Marmion’

The Story Continues

In addition to feeding the information to the FBI and congressional committees, all these characters would leak their white papers to the media. Sussmann and Steele did so in October 2016—right before the election—and Jones did so in March 2017 when he was tasked with researching the Alfa Bank server/Trump Organization connection. Daniel Jones would share his 600-page report to the Senate and it was also widely circulated to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). 200 pages of the report came directly from Fusion GPS research in an appendix from pages 312 to 558.

When Jones submitted his report, did he notify SASC or HPSCI that he was being heavily funded by George Soros and other highly partisan donors to his nonprofit? Did he tell them his research came from entities paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign through her law firm Perkins Coie?

He didn’t have to. Kirk McConnell—the staffer who assigned Dan Jones the Alfa Bank white paper—directly told Jones to contact Michael Sussmann to help him start his research. The SASC was the liaison between Jones and Hillary’s lawyer. So, it was only natural that Jones’ product would be filled with data made to cast Trump in the worst possible light. The false flag was so obvious from the beginning. To think any secret communication would involve an email with the name Trump in the domain, it is absurd. Does Daniel Jones mention this absurdity in his 600-page report? I don’t think so.

Michael Sussmann lied when he went to the FBI about Alfa Bank/Trump concerns by saying he represented no one and was coming forward as a concerned citizen. This former federal prosecutor lied, and did not disclose his close associations with Clinton and Joffe. Did the SASC or HPSCI care about this omission? Of course not! I repeat, it was the SASC who put Jones in contact with Michael Sussmann to compile Jones’s Alfa Bank white paper in the first place.

Round and round we go. Nonprofit organizations like TDIP and ADI are given millions by George Soros organizations morph into other companies like PQG. “Concerned citizens” morph into hyper-partisan paid actors like Sussmann, Joffe, Simpson, Steele, Lorenzen, and Dagon. Journalists like Franklin Foer of Slate , Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker, and Adam Goldman of The New York Times morph into conduits for cleverly designed false flag operations. FBI agents and Senate and House Committees morph into “duped” government employees. Finally, politicians like Hillary Clinton—who financed the false flags like the Alfa Bank Hoax and Steele Dossier Hoax—morph into tweeters outraged by the findings of journalists in well-timed hit pieces. Journalists will quote experts like “Max” (Rodney Joffe), “Tea Leaves” (April Lorenzen), “a senior aide on Capitol Hill who works National Security” (Daniel Jones), and “a former intelligence officer” (Christopher Steele) “who has impeccable credentials” as credible sources.

Tweet from Hillary Clinton’s personal account pushing ABC News reporting of the Sergei Millian in an effort to further propagate the Russian Collusion myth her campaign was funding and forcing on the American public

It is the same repeated playbook each election cycle. Hillary Clinton’s team gives the story to the FBI and journalists, and then Clinton will tweet about the FBI investigations and articles as if it was an organic story—not the circular reporting that it is. The bigger question is the relationship to Hillary Clinton’s team and the government to the origin of the false flag story. How much does our government coordinate with the Clinton campaign, other elite politicians, and bureaucrats in this cycle of fake news?

Judging by the “concerned citizens” who have contracts with the DoD and FBI ,and who are former federal prosecutors and staffers for the FBI and Senate Intelligence Committee, I’d surmise that the origin is much murkier to pinpoint. The circular Intel goes round and round, an infinite cycle that will not stop until there is someone that holds the power to stop the spinning. Any attempts to penetrate the circle are met with hyper-prosecution of the whistleblowers. President Trump—who has been a repeated victim of these false flags—is being targeted by the DOJ and FBI for simply knowing that the Alfa Bank Hoax and the Steele Dossier Hoax were deviously designed to weaken him. Trump is one victim, but there are hundreds who were also affected by this cyclone of fake news that destroys anyone in its path.

Caught In The Crossfire Hurricane

From Techno Fog’s article on Substack ‘The Igor Danchenko Indictment’

Sergei Millian, a victim of both the Steele Dossier Hoax and the Alfa Bank Hoax has yet to see any justice for the lies by journalists, Intel agencies, and Hillary Clinton’s team. He is the epitome of the microcosm of the disinformation operations because the lies and false flags pinned on him are so glaringly obvious. To understand his story—which I write extensively about—is to try to understand the false flag playbook.

In a few weeks, a man that tried to frame Millian is facing trial for five counts of lying to the FBI. Igor Danchenko is facing four counts about Sergei Millian, and one count about his relationship with Charles Dolan. Special Counsel John Durham has completed two cases, and this appears to be the final case in his assignment looking into any malfeasance in Russiagate.

(Rumble Link) Lee Smith on The Dark To Light Podcast with Tracy Beanz and Quite Frankly detailing the targeting of Sergei Millian by Fusion GPS as part of the Russian Collusion Hoax

The first case was charging Kevin Clinesmith—a lawyer for the FBI—with altering a document. He pled guilty and served no jail time. The second case was against Michael Sussmann who lied to the FBI about whom he represented when he brought the Alfa Bank white paper to the FBI. A jury found him not guilty. The third case will start Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 in Alexandria, Virginia. It is expected to last about five days.

Originally tweeted by Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) on September 16, 2021

Recently, Sergei Millian tweeted he will not be able to come to the United States to testify on his own behalf because of inadequate protection by the United States Government. On September 10th, 2022, Sergei Millian tweeted,

“SCD&DOJ: I don’t wish anything from you at this point, just the truth to come out but as much truth as you want to share with the US public. I will not be able to attend because of the threats to my safety I reported previously to Mueller SCO. I did my best to help you.”

This is unfortunate and I have great empathy for Sergei Millian, who was accused of being the intermediary between Alfa Bank and The Trump Organization by Christopher Steele. Again, an accusation so absurd yet our FBI allowed his name to be smeared for years by Hillary Clinton’s people without any substantiation of her accusations. The FBI even allowed the rumors that he died in a plane crash to circulate widely a year after Mark Maremont of the Wall Street Journal falsely stated Sergei Millian was Source D in Christopher Steele’s Dossier Hoax in the Wall Street Journal. Maremont has never retracted his statements. It was like rubbing acid in a wound that opened up in 2016, and continues to remain unhealed to this day.

Who will stop this circular Intel playbook? Durham? Certainly not if he is stating the FBI was duped by Igor Danchenko and not accusing the FBI as willing conspirators. Round and round we go, where we stop may be up to those who educate themselves on the Alfa Bank Hoax.

The Washington Pundit | Speak Truth To Power

Regina Mouradian
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