Are Immigrants Voting?


Are aliens voting in our elections? That’s the million peso question. Actually, I already know they are. To what extent is harder to say. I ran across a resident alien who was a registered Democrat before. Apparently, just because they are registered to a political party does not necessarily mean they previously voted. So, I wasn’t allowed to do anything about it. I forwarded the case over to ICE and never heard about it again. The person was a green card holder and not supposed to vote even if legally residing in the U.S. Likewise, I talked to a USCIS employee who told me that he ran across aliens trying to naturalize as US citizens who had already been registered to vote. His superiors said that unless he could prove they previously voted, then he should still forward their paperwork along for naturalization.

As this article from FrontPageMag points out, Aliens are voting, the so called motor voter laws are allowing anyone who can obtain a driver’s license to also register to vote. There are many states who are now giving d/l’s to illegal aliens. But, don’t worry. They have a safeguard to keep illegals from voting. It asks the reader when filling out the registration to check a box marked “Yes, I am a United States citizen.” Shew! That’ll stop them from voting. Illegal aliens may commit rape, murder, assault, drinking & driving and identity theft, but they would never ever lie about their citizenship! Why, that would be criminal!

One of the states that is making it OK for illegal aliens to get driver’s licenses is New York State with its anti-enforcement Green Light Law. After initially making it very difficult for an illegal alien to get a driver’s license in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attack, Democrats completely reversed that policy and made it OK for illegal aliens to get driver’s licenses. Not only that, in defiance of federal law, New York State stopped sharing license plate numbers with the federal government. As one of my friends put it, it’s actually an officer safety issue since anytime CBP, Border Patrol or ICE tries to run a New York State license plate, they are barred from seeing any vehicle information. It could be owned by a wanted felon, but they wouldn’t be able to see the results.

Texas cannot pass laws to help enforce immigration law, but New York can halt immigration laws altogether. Hmm, seems like a Constitutional crisis to me.

Going back to the Frontpagemag article, the first commenter in the comments section, Kassandra, claims that she witnessed a representative from CASA de Maryland (a pro-invader organization ) registering an illegal alien to vote. When the alien hesitated, the CASA representative supposedly said, “That’s between you and the Maryland Secretary of State.”

Interestingly, the Executive Director of Casa De Maryland is one Gustavo Torres. Torres got his citizenship by marrying an American, Lois Wessel, who he divorced after getting his green card. Interestingly, Gustavo Torres used to work for a newspaper in Nicaragua that supported the Sandinista revolution. The Sandinistas were a Marxist Leninist movement. We used to have laws against known Communists from immigrating to the United States. Yet, here we are with Communists destroying America and no one doing the least bit to stop them.

There have already been isolated cases of aliens committing voter fraud. ICE in North Carolina busted 19 ineligible aliens for voting. This happened back in 2020 and if you haven’t heard of it, I’m betting that a whole lot of aliens (legal or otherwise) have not either. So, there’s no deterrent from them having heard about these cases. There will definitely be more illegal aliens voting. Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit has reported on government agencies registering non-citizens to vote. This has previously been reported on as happening in Florida, see here.

Keep in mind, in a sort of in your face ruling, a federal judge (who makes policy) has allowed illegal aliens to vote in D.C. elections. The judge rejected the plaintiffs’ concerns by saying they lacked standing because it wasn’t depriving them (the plaintiffs) from being able to vote. That’s a judge who was searching for a reason to rule in favor of her own politics. You might think this is harmless because D.C. residents cannot (yet) vote in federal elections, but the Democrats are trying to change that. Besides, this is a slippery slope towards the intended goal of allowing everyone (regardless of citizenship) to vote.

The question is how many illegal aliens will be voting in the upcoming election and will it be enough to sway the election. The question is not if aliens (legal or not) will be voting. We all know they will be.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.