Illegal immigration and voting


When I was growing up, my father would tell us random stories about when he grew up.  Some were tales of what to do, but others were of what not to do.

Anyway, he said that when he was a freshman or sophomore in High School, he and a friend were walking by the “test room” where the teachers kept all the tests and quizzes when they noticed that the room’s door had been left ajar.  Normally, the room was under lock and key as it held the sacred answer sheets for all the tests.  Feeling daring, they snuck into the room.  They asked each other what was going to be their most difficult subject for the next semester.  They decided it was math, algebra or calculus (I can no longer recall).  So, they found the drawer with those test sheets, opened it up and hurriedly copied all the answers.  They then snuck out without being seen.

That next semester, they confided their crime to some friends, and those friends confided to others.  Before too long, the whole class knew the answers to the tests and quizzes in advance.  They weren’t stupid.  They agreed that everyone should get one or two answers wrong each time, and they couldn’t all pick the same ones.  The class was going along swimmingly.

At the end of the semester, the teacher said there was something puzzling about the class.  Usually, after spring break, the students’ heads were on other things besides academics, so, the first quiz back everyone did very poorly on it.  After the poor quiz score, it served as a wakeup call, and the students would buckle down and study harder for the next quizzes and tests. But, as the teacher observed, “That never happened in this class.”  There was no decline after spring break. The teacher may not have known what exactly, but he knew there was something not right. 

I’m not an election integrity expert, but I can smell when something fishy is going on.  Places like The Federalist have documented some of the strange anomalies that only happened with Biden’s 2020 election  In the article, The Federalist points out that Trump gained 10 million votes, yet, Biden outperformed even Barak Obama’s vote totals. They sarcastically say that perhaps it was Biden pulling Obama across the finish line. Biden won despite Trump’s having won 18 out of 19 “Bell weather” counties. Trump was the only president in history to have lost the presidency while his party gained members in the House of Representatives.

“While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Even more surprising, the former VP put up a record haul of votes, despite Democrats’ general failures in local House and state legislative seats across the nation.”

From The Federalist article “5 Historical Trends That Show It’s Utterly Shocking If Trump Lost in 2020“.

“1. 10 Million More Votes

Not since President Grover Cleveland’s re-election campaign in 1888 has a sitting president won more votes the second time around and still lost, which is one reason he successfully ran again four years later. To put this in perspective, Obama lost 5 million votes between his 2008 and 2012 elections. He is the only president to have lost voters and still won re-election.

By comparison, Trump not only added about 10 million votes to his 2016 haul but also shattered the record for most votes received by a sitting president. Trump won a greater share of minority votes than every Republican presidential candidate but one since 1976 and brought more Democrats over to his side than in 2016. More than nine in 10 evangelical Christians voted to re-elect the president. For Trump to expand his coalition of voters so substantially and still lose is historic.”

I’m sorry, but it sounds to me very much like the teacher standing at the front of my father’s class thinking, “Something ain’t right.”


One of my friends investigating passport fraud found where a Jamaican woman was already registered to vote.  When the form asked which party she was affiliated to, Republican, Democrat or Other, she had checked the box “Other” and had written in “Obama Party”.  That’s the kind of informed voter our country needs.  Unfortunately, neither the AUSA nor the local DA wanted to take the case. The AUSA claimed that elections are local government’s concern, and the Democrat DA wasn’t going to prosecute someone who voted for the “Obama Party”.

When I was detailed down to El Paso back in 2019, I talked with a USCIS employee. He told me that he reviewed Resident Alien applications for US citizenship in New Jersey. He told me that he routinely found where Resident Aliens (aka Green Card Holders) were registered to vote. His supervisors refused to do anything with the information. They told him the alien would have to have been convicted of voter fraud for them to do anything. No conviction, no problem, go ahead and naturalize him. You know how I know there’s no jaywalking in New York City? Because no one is ever convicted for it, so, it must not exist!

Sharyl Attkisson has documented that our system does not have a good process for going back and correcting elections after the election is over:

In Michigan, the state’s nonpartisan auditor found that the secretary of state who oversaw the 2020 election, a Democrat, broke the law by failing to properly maintain voter rolls, heightening the risk that ineligible people voted. She says no elections were impacted by the issues.

And since February of last year, Los Angeles County, California, New York City, and North Carolina belatedly agreed to remove a combined 2 million ineligible people who shouldn’t have been on the voter rolls in 2020, but were. Colorado agreed to do the same after the watchdog group Judicial Watch sued to force the removals.

Sharyl (on-camera): When past voting practices are deemed unconstitutional or illegal, there’s no firm process to go back and correct the elections, or even figuring out what impact was. No independent authority actively monitors for voting issues. And producing evidence of fraud or, for that matter, proof of no fraud, can be equally as challenging — leaving both sides to lob accusations that can’t be definitively resolved.

There are plenty of allegations surrounding the 2020 election, when Joe Biden accomplished a remarkable, overnight, come-from-behind victory to get more votes than any presidential candidate in history — beating Donald Trump, who got more votes than in 2016, and more than any sitting president in history.

Many election challenges filed by Trump and his supporters were quickly dismissed, often on technical grounds, without addressing the specific accusations.

More recently, Sharyl Attkisson published a Rasmussen poll showing that almost half of Americans believe that our upcoming elections could be influenced by illegal aliens voting.

I was watching Tucker Carlson’s interview of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton  Around minute 27, they begin talking about how immigration is turning Texas blue.  Paxton said he had 900 cases that he was prosecuting and that the idea there was no voter fraud was a “complete fabrication.”  Paxton said he was fully prosecuting voter fraud before being shut down by the Texas court of appeals.  Now, there are no prosecutions for voter fraud happening in Texas.  Paxton claimed that he won 12 cases on mail in ballots in Texas.  Thanks to the court of appeals ruling, Paxton won’t be able to go after voter fraud in any upcoming election.  This isn’t all Democrats working to subvert the system, Paxton blames Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove in large part for doing this.

Finally, I’d like to revisit the case of former Mayor of Edinburg, Texas, Richard Molina.  His acquittal makes it sound like the charges against him were erroneous.  HOWEVER, if you read through the article, you find that he did commit voter fraud.  His defense just claimed that he thought what he was doing was legal.

During the trial, Molina took the stand and openly admitted to helping people change their addresses. However, he claimed he thought that what he was doing was not a crime. One of Molina’s defenses was a “Mistake Of Law,” an affirmative defense which is available when an accused reasonably believed based on a reasonable reliance on a representation from the state or someone charged with interpreting the law that an action is legal. Molina testified that his own legal research, as well as personal training as a volunteer deputy voter registrar, led him to believe that what he was doing was not a crime. He relied on the fact that residency can be established by several factors, including choice. The prosecution argued that deception was not one of these factors and none of the people who changed their addresses intended to live there.

Molina also expressed his displeasure that he was being prosecuted for something he believed was commonplace.

So, even when they commit voter fraud, the headline makes it sound like there was no voter fraud, “Former Edinburg Mayor Found Not Guilty on Voter Fraud Charges”.  Imagine if the title was more like “Ex-Mayor admits he committed voter fraud, but claims he thought it was legal”. 

There are 16 states plus the District of Columbia that allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses. Of those states, only one, Utah, does not allow registering to vote at the time of obtaining a driver’s license (the so called Motor Voter laws).

I should point out that when I was on the job, I did arrest illegal aliens from states that officially say they don’t give illegal alien’s driver’s licenses, like North Carolina, but had still somehow managed to obtain them.

So, Americans are right to be worried about illegal aliens being able to decide the outcome of future elections.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.