Obama’s Military Purge And The Impact on Our Southern Border


According to William Shirer in the book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, after Hitler attempted the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 and it failed, one of the

lessons he learned was that the Nazis needed to capture one of the institutions of government before attempting any kind of government overthrow. Hitler set his sights on the military. Eventually, when the army showed that it was afraid of that the Brownshirts had become too powerful and that the army might be replaced by the Brownshirts, Hitler had the leaders of the Brownshirts massacred in The Night of the Long Knives.

Do I think that Obama was a Nazi? Of course not, however, he too seems to have learned the lesson of needing the military on his side. Historically, the United States military has been a conservative institution often dominated by southern white males, the most conservative demographic in the United States.

What was Obama to do? Why, get rid of as many conservatives as possible!

It seems that every week since President Obama took office in 2009, we’ve been hearing that another top leader has been summarily fired, despite his decades of loyal service and valuable experience in protecting the nation. Statistically speaking, it’s actually closer to one every 8.8 days, a staggering 200 military brass shown the door in less than five years.

The Pentagon has offered up a grab bag of reasons for these dismissals — from a simple “loss of confidence,” to more descriptive “insensitive remarks,” “sexual misconduct,” and even “counterfeit poker chips.”

Or as Investors.com puts it, What the president calls “my military” is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.

Biden is continuing the purge of the military of conservatives, (and we can see the impacts on recruitment).

LLOYD AUSTIN, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault and to rid our ranks of racists and extremists. The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies, but we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.

INGRAHAM: Of course. Well, what he meant then and what he would like to do now is rid the military of all strong conservatives and, of course, Trump supporters.

Not surprisingly, military recruitment is down. I predict that the Biden solution will be to recruit more non-whites like Hispanics to fight our unpopular wars abroad.

In this much ridiculed US Army ad, it starts off with not a single white male in its recruitment and, in my opinion, violates the Hatch Act by blatantly inserting politics in the commercial; little Emma is seen marching for “equality”. Republicans never march for “equality”. Why? Because it’s always at the expense of white males that equality is taken. As some pundit put it, it is never the person at the top of the class who is in favor of “equity” or “equality”. It’s always the underperfomer. The ad:

Emma has two moms, the most important thing about the commercial

By the way, and not insignificantly, as I pointed out in an earlier article (if looking up the article, go to the end in the Post Scrip-tum), the military industrial complex wants war with Iran. It’s why when General Milley presented Trump with war plans for the invasion of Iran and Trump refused to go. After Trump’s presidency, Milley got in front of the problem by doing an interview with The New Yorker in which he claimed Trump wanted to attack Iran. When Trump later protested his innocence to reporters by waving around Milley’s Iran invasion top secret plans, the media went after Trump to cover up what the military themselves actually pushed for. It wasn’t Trump who drew up the plans for invading Iran. No one is mentioning this in Trump’s classified documents trial (meaning the invasion plans for Iran), but I think that Trump should be screaming that this is the real reason for his trial over classified documents in Florida.

NOTE: I share the memes, I don’t write them, so, it should be “If” not “of” at the beginning.

Now, when it comes to the Border Patrol, the liberals might not have as much of a problem in needing to get rid of conservatives. For one thing, the Border Patrol is 80% Hispanic, and while there are many patriotic Mexican American Agents in the patrol, I’ve also known some less than enthusiastic Agents along with some flat out corrupt ones. The same goes for many other federal law enforcement agencies, like the FBI.

I believe it was in the book Ghost My Thirty Years as an FBI Undercover Agent where the author, Michael McGowan, complained that the Special Agents who wanted to work exciting dangerous jobs in the field rarely get promoted. It’s a strange problem in law enforcement that the Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) who want to work in the field do not always promote. As a result, it can sometimes be a odd person who wants to join an agency, like the F.B.I., just to supervise those who are going out and actually doing the exciting jobs.

I’ve witnessed this in the Border Patrol. I did have some really good supervisors, but I also had some terrible ones. The kind of person you wonder why they joined up to be in law enforcement in the first place. I’ve seen Agents who were good in the field who promoted and were actually terrible supervisors. They were stressed out about fulfilling the whims of their bosses and suspicious that everyone under them was trying to undermine them. I’ve had supervisors who got into the Border Patrol solely for the money. Their ambition was to promote up the ladder as far as possible not because they believed in the mission of the patrol (far from it) but because it would get them a better retirement. I can remember one in particular who castigated me for arresting aliens at a job site, “What are you trying to do? Make the building cost more and delay it?”

With that kind of background, it won’t be hard to put bureaucrats in place who are reluctant to do the job of actually enforcing the border. It used to be a saying at the Border Patrol Academy that you will never get into trouble for the alien you didn’t catch. Or, “Small cases=small problems. Big cases=big problems. No cases=no problems.” It was said somewhat facetiously, but I know of at least one other supervisor who seemed to take it to heart and took steps to dissuade us from making apprehensions.

Again, I did have some excellent supervisors too, but I’m focusing on the problems that a Republican president would face if he actually tried to crack down on illegal immigration. Just like the Obama/Biden administrations cracked down on conservatives in the U.S. military, a Republican would have to purge the Border Patrol of liberals and do-nothing supervisors within the Border Patrol. Yes, they are still in there.

Currently, Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens leads the Border Patrol. He’s a former BORTAC and BORSTAR member which is like being on the SWAT team and a medic, too. That sounds good, like he’s squared away, and maybe he is. However, his willingness to take the helm for the Biden administration is grounds enough to get rid of him. The same goes for the heads of CBP, ICE, Air & Marine, USCIS, the Secretary of DHS and all. On top of it, anyone serving immediately underneath should be evaluated to see how pro-law enforcement they are. If they are in the Senior Executive Service, they can be reassigned fairly quickly. I remember one supervisor who would have rather done redman training everyday, where you practice handcuffing techniques indoors on a mat at the gym, than to actually go out in the field and do that in real life.

It would be unwise to get rid of every single person in senior management, you do need some continuity, but those who remain must be made to worry that their job could be on the chopping block, if performance metrics aren’t met. Performance must be brought back. Evaluating sectors based on how many illegal aliens they sack up and deport must be brought back.

Incidentally, former acting head of ICE, Tom Homan, has said that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be broken up with the customs side going one way and the immigration enforcement the other. The problem that agency currently has is that once immigration becomes too much of a political hot potato, their agents simply shifted to doing customs work. Frankly, it is a little cowardly, but that was bound to happen.

If the Obama administration and its continuation in the Biden administration can come up with excuses to get rid of the patriotic traditional American generals, then a Republican administration will have to find a way of bringing them back and also of getting rid of the spineless Yes Men that have been installed.


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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.