Peter Soros, Nephew of George, Named In Epstein’s “Little Black Book”


A “little black book” of names and addresses kept by Jeffrey Epstein’s butler includes many rich and powerful people including George Soros’ investment banker nephew Peter Soros, who shows up alongside Bill Richardson, Alec Baldwin and others.

The Soros-Epstein connection is less clearly defined at this time, based on available knowledge, than the clear relationship between Epstein and former Democrat president Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton Claims He Knows Nothing About Epstein’s Crimes

A “little black book” of names and addresses kept by Jeffrey Epstein’s butler includes many rich and powerful people including George Soros’ investment banker nephew Peter Soros, who shows up alongside Bill Richardson, Alec Baldwin and others.

The Soros-Epstein connection is less clearly defined at this time, based on available knowledge, than the clear relationship between Epstein and former Democrat president Bill Clinton,

Court documents show that Jeffrey Epstein had 21 different phone numbers for Bill Clinton.

Court Orders 2000 Epstein Documents Unsealed

“Epstein’s personal phone directory from his computer contains e-mail addresses for Clinton along with 21 phone numbers for him, including those for his assistant (Doug Band), his schedulers, and what appear to be Clinton’s personal numbers. This information certainly leads one to believe that Clinton might well be a source of relevant information and efforts to obtain discovery from him were reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence,” according to the court documents from a civil case filed by victims against Epstein.

The U.S. District Court Judge presiding over the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking case was appointed to the federal bench by former president Bill Clinton, a frequent travel companion of Epstein. Epstein actually claimed to be a co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Epstein Helped Co-found Clinton Foundation

Richard Berman was appointed by Bill Clinton in 1998. He presided over Dinesh D’Souza’s case where D’Souza was convicted of re-imbursing friends to evade campaign contribution limits in a New York election.

Meanwhile, disgraced former FBI director James Comey’s daughter Maurene is one of the prosecutors in the case.

Comey Is A Prosecutor in Epstein Case

Why did Epstein get a very light sentence — 13 months in a comfortable county jail — when he was first convicted as a sex criminal?

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