WaPo Open Borders Propaganda


In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s loss to Trump, I remember reading a headline that the Democrats had used focus groups to figure out why Hillary lost.  I’ve since tried to find the article again, and it seems to have been scrubbed from the internet.  One of the findings from the focus groups was that calling someone “racist” was an effective way of getting them to tow the Democratic line.  I believe the Democrats always did call Republicans racist anyway, but it led to an increase of the racism charge.  It’s effectively an ad hominem attack meaning that you are a bad person guilty of malevolent thoughts. Hence, you are guilty of thought crimes.

In this propaganda war, the left believes that the best defense is a good offense.  After all, no one ever won a war by staying on defense alone.  Part of their offensive drive is to call everything and anything that does not go along with liberal orthodoxy racist. Frankly, if I were them, I’d do the same.  It is effective, it works. 

Look at President of Harvard Claudine Gay.  You cannot fire her, that’d be “RAYCISS”!  So, she can plagiarize away while supporting Hamas if she wants. 

Going back to the open border, how are the Democrats going to sell this to an American public?  Why, go on offense and accuse anyone not for it of being an evil vile racist. 

Enter Trump.  Trump is white, so, we already know that he’s racist right there.  Billionaire elitist Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post goes on the offensive to cover for the open border by saying effectively, “But look at Trump, he’s racist.”  The December 20th issue of Jeff Bezos’s propaganda wing has an article (pg A5) titled “Trump’s words on immigrants latest in a long, ugly list”.  Trump said that “immigrants poison the blood of our country”.  This caused article author Aaron Blake to need his smelling salts and fainting couch.  He links this to supposedly Adolf Hitler.  Give me a break, I’m sure Hitler said a lot of things.  He said that every German family should have a car.  Does that mean cars are bad now too?  The VW Bug certainly is.

According to Senator Vance, Trump said “illegal immigrants”, not immigrants, were poisoning the country and Trump was talking about fentanyl.  I’m not sure about that, but Trump said this back in September and it is being brought up now because of Biden’s dismal polls and the need to go on the offensive to cover for them. 

Journofa Blake lists off his grievances with Trump being a big meanie to all those sweet invaders who want to culturally enrich us.  He made sure in his article to put in bold the charges against Trump.  Smart move as most people don’t read the entire article, but usually only the title and the first paragraph.  The bold feature serves to highlight points and outrage the liberal base:

June 16, 2015:  A launch featuring ‘rapists’.  Yeah, sorry, Trump pointed out that Mexico is not always sending us their very best.  Yes, they are sending us rapists.  That’s true. Below are some recent headlines from Breitbart on immigrant rapists in America.






Nov. 10, 2015:  Praises the infamous ‘Operation Wetback’.  I always wonder how liberals justify to themselves the fact that Eisenhower (who fought actual Nazis, not the made up kind) went after illegal aliens so effectively.  Eisenhower saw the Nazis as so evil that he titled his book on World War II as “Crusade in Europe”.  The lefties must be upset that he invoked the crusades as a noble endeavor, and not some white European invasion of peaceful brown people.  Eisenhower also saw the corruption that illegal immigration brought with it.  The only reason that Operation Wetback was seen as “infamous” was because it worked.  Although, if you look it up on left wing websites like Wikipedia, it will say that Operation Wetback didn’t work because ONCE IT ENDED, the illegal Mexicans came back.  Get that?  They claim the operation didn’t work because deported Mexicans came back once the program ceased.  Crazy.  It just means the operation should never have ended. 

“The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican ‘wetbacks’ to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the federal government.”

November 17, 2015:  Links immigrants to the Islamic State.  I’m glad Trump pointed that out.  It’s better than George “Dumbya” Bush who increased Muslim immigration in the wake of 9/11.  How crazy do you have to be to let in more potential terrorists, yet, that’s what the Cheney administration did. 

December 7, 2015:  Proposes a total ban on Muslim immigrants.  Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.  Why do we have to let them in?  To ensure that America is as unsafe as possible? 

Dec. 10, 2015:  ‘Muslim problem’:  Trump quote, “The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem.” And “Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad!  Be honest.”  Journofa Blake offers this quote with no commentary.  Perhaps, Blake realizes that Trump was right.  Do we want Hamas in the U.S.? 

March 2016:  ‘Islam hates us’:  Yes, Trump is right again.  Islam does hate us. 

June 2017:  Haitian immigrants ‘all have AIDS’.  The NY Slimes also claimed Trump said that once Nigerians had seen America, they wouldn’t want to go back to their huts.  That’s true not just of Nigerians, but of people from around the world.  I’ve seen ramshackle huts in Mexico before. 

Nov. 29, 2017:  Promotes fringe anti-Muslim videos.  Unfortunately, the video has been scrubbed from the internet.  All I could find is a picture of just before the attack. Far left websites like Snopes claim it was false.  Why?  It does show a teenager beating up a blond kid on crutches, but they claim the assailant is Dutch because he was born in Holland, and that the assailant was not Muslim.  No matter, the assailant is clearly not indigenous Dutch, and we only have the word of a far leftist site that he is not Muslim.  Unfortunately, it does prove once again that diversity is not a strength. 

How dare Trump show the American public REALITY.              

Jan 11, 2018: ‘Shithole Countries’.  Notorious liar Senator Dick Durbin claimed that Trump said that a lot of illegal aliens came from ‘shithole countries’.  First of all, that’s true.  Illegal aliens don’t tend to come from Western Europe.  However, on top of it, Trump likely didn’t even say that.  It’s another lie, a smear.  Durbin was there at the meeting, but so were Senators Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham and David Perdue.  Strangely, only Senator Dick heard the comment.  https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/368963-cotton-attacks-durbin-for-claims-of-trumps-shithole-countries/.  But, journofa Blake, go ahead with the smear because we all know immigrants really do come from shithole countries. 

May 16, 2018: ‘Animals’–  I love how Blake phrases this one.  Trump called MS13 gang members animals.  That’s not outrageous by any means, so, Blake rephrases it as “Trump began likening certain undocumented immigrants to ‘animals’”.  If you didn’t know better, you might get the impression he was insulting all immigrants and not just criminal aliens.  Way to deceive Blake. 

June 19, 2018: ‘Infest’ Trump quote “Democrats are the problem.  They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be to pour into and infest our country like MS-13.”  Do you see a problem with that, because I don’t?  It is an infestation.  Trump was and is right.  Look at what Biden is doing now.  It’s true, Democrats have no problem with crime and they do want illegal immigrants.

Oct. 24, 2018:  ‘Invasion’:  Again, Trump was talking about MS-13 and called it an invasion.  It is an invasion.  Where’s the problem with what he said? 

Oct. 29, 2018:  Expanding use of ‘Invasion’:  Trump said that we were being invaded.  He was and is correct.  This is an invasion.  It’s just one the Washington Post supports. 

Nov. 1, 2018:  A supposed threat to women.  As I showed earlier, there is an increase in rapes with immigrants coming across.  There is a reason why they got the nickname rapefugees after what they did in Germany a few years ago at the New Years celebrations.  Trump says that women want security and that is true. 

May 8, 2019:  Chuckles at supporter who said to ‘shoot’ undocumented immigrants.  I’ve actually seen a lot of people calling for that on blogs.  It shows the frustration a lot of Americans are feeling as Democrats have opened up the border.  But, how dare Trump chuckle at that.  It shows he’s guilty of thinking impure thoughts and must be punished. 

July 14, 2019:  Tells (nonimmigrant) Democrats to ‘go back’ to their countries.  Trump urged members of “The Squad” to go back to their countries.  “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.  Then come back and show us how it is done.  These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough.”  Blake leaves out the part of Trump saying “then come back”.  It doesn’t get people riled up.  I agree with everything Trump said there. 

Oct. 7, 2021:  Haiti and AIDS, again.  Why do we need to let in people from disease infested countries anyway?   It’s not our fault that their countries are dysfunctional.  Trump is right again. 

September 2023:  Begins invoking the ‘blood of our country’.  “It’s the blood of our country.  What they are doing is destroying our country.”  Trump continued “It’s poisoning the blood of our country.  It’s so bad and people are coming in with disease.  People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.”  Once again, that’s true.  When I was detailed to El Paso, I talked to one of the doctors under contract from Health and Human Services, and the doc told me he was seeing all kinds of disease (mumps, lice, upper respiratory infections) you name it.  Plus, he was seeing a lot of mental disorders too.  Heartless reporter Blake does not care about the American public.  His only interest is in smearing anyone who wants to secure the border.

Oct. 9, 2023:  Suggests Hamas is sending terrorists to the United States.  Do you think Hamas isn’t thinking of sending terrorists over the border?  How dumb do you have to be?  Blake “There is no evidence that Hamas terrorists are coming to the United States.”  Of course there’s no evidence, it’s not like Hamas is going to advertise what they are going to do beforehand.  So far, we’ve been lucky, but how long will our luck hold? There have been 127 illegal aliens on the FBI terror watchlist who have been arrested in 2023. According to Blake, that’s no evidence.

Dec. 16, 2023:  Doubles down on ‘poisoning the blood,’ also tying it to Asia, Africa.  Again, I have no problem with anything at all that Trump said.  This is simply an attempt to smear anyone at all who wants a secure border as a racist.  That’s all the propaganda is. 

The Washington Post, whose mission statement is “Democracy dies in darkness”, has another headline in the December 21st issue titled “A historic surge of migrants, and few solutions in sight” (A1).  The compost makes it sound like immigration is the weather and nothing can be done about it, it just happens.  However, as Trump proved, that is not true.  It is entirely possible to crack down on illegal immigration. 

On December 28th, the Washington compost has an article titled “In an Old West town, new Americans fight for a voice”.  It’s a human interest story designed to humanize immigrants as much as possible.  (Online version is “In an Old West town, new Americans fight for representation” by Silvia Foster-Frau).  The print version features a picture of the family at what appears to be a restaurant with their Mexican flag out. 

From this, and from the earlier debate between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis, we have a picture of what the Democrats playbook for the open border is going to be.  Remember, it’s always to stay on offense. 

First off, call everyone who is against illegal immigration a racist.  If they are brown or black, then call them a xenophobe, or a fascist.  It doesn’t matter much of which so long as you insult them and shame them.  Others will see what is being done to immigration patriots and run away from it.  As illustrated above with journofa Blake’s article, smearing a person as being guilty of bad thoughts is paramount. 

Secondly, if the border is not secure, then blame Republicans for not caving and giving in to Biden’s amnesty aka Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  It’s amnesty by another name.  It is what Newsom did during his debate with Ron DeSantis.  Ironically, during the debate Newsom slipped up and claimed that DeSantis was for amnesty before he was against it.  Only, Newsom didn’t call it “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” when he claimed DeSantis was for it, Newsom slipped and called it amnesty, not once but twice. 

Third, humanize the illegal aliens.  Don’t call them invaders, or infiltrators, that might hurt the little dearies feelings.  Do lots of human interest stories where you tell how hard their lives were back in their cesspool countries and how much they love America.  You know they will be rolling out anyone who serves in uniform for our country fighting imperialistic wars overseas in the Middle East. 

Fourth, and this goes back to the first tactic a bit, get in front of the Great Replacement and call anyone who notices it a conspiracy theorist.  Never mind that all you have to do is look at the census to see that it is true. 

Here’s a link with several of the times (by no means all) of Democrats saying that “Demographics is destiny”.  https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/uv8m0f/demographics_is_destiny/?rdt=61110.  If a Republican says the exact same thing, then he’s a racist.  If a Democrat says it, then he is a truth teller. 

All you have to do to know the Great Replacement is real is to look at the census.


Don’t be a sheep.  Use your own brain.

How do the Republicans fight back?  For one, they need to grow a spine.  When being called a racist, the Republicans should point out that Democrats are anti-white whether because they are spineless white people who welcome their own dispossession, or, because they are non-whites who could never hope to build a country as nice as the American one. 

They should point out that Democrats act like traitors by favoring a foreign population over the native born population.  By native born, I do not include the anchor babies who clearly have no right to be here. 

Just as the left will try to humanize illegal aliens, the right should point out all the Americans who have been victimized by immigrants legal or not.  The deaths from fentanyl, the depressed wages, the deaths from drunk alien drivers, the rapes and the tearing apart of the fabric of the country. 

The most important thing that Republicans should learn from this is that they will be called names and attempted to be shamed for standing up for the historic American nation. They need to learn to attack back and point out that the purpose of these smears is to keep the border open.

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.