Top Think Tank Admits Trump Immigration Policies Make Democrats Look Weak


A top liberal think tank has admitted that President Donald Trump’s message on immigration is winning over most voters, making the far-left Democrats look weak on enforcement.

The Center for American Progress released the report argues that as Democrats drifted away from the “rule of law” message, it has allowed Republicans to rebrand their party as sole party of the rule of law.

This produced “the false dichotomy of America as either a nation of immigrants or a nation of laws” making Democrats seem weak on enforcing the nation’s laws, the Daily Beast reported.

The vice president of immigration policy at the think tank, Tom Jawetz, said that those supporting humane immigration policy “have ceded powerful rhetorical ground to immigration restrictionists, who are happy to masquerade as the sole defenders of America as a nation of laws.”The report comes amid Trump’s renewed calls to reform immigration laws, which argues that they don’t stop the problem of illegal immigration due to significant loopholes.

We’ve got to straighten out our immigration laws,” Trump said last week. “You know, in a very short period of time, if the Democrats would give us a few votes, we could solve the immigration problem, and it would be so great.”

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