When I was growing up in France, we had to read a book called “Un Sac de Billes” by Joseph Joffo about two Jewish brothers in Nazi occupied France. The significance of the title is that after the German occupation, Joseph and family have to wear the Star of David on their clothing when they went to school. One of Joseph’s classmates thought the star was really cool and wanted one. So, being obviously ignorant of its significance, Joseph gave him the star in exchange for a bag of marbles. You have to understand at the time how many kids played marbles back then. They still did when I was there in the 70s.
Joseph’s father realized that things were going to go badly for Jews in France. He had two older sons who lived in southern France (Vichy was unoccupied until later in the war) also working as barbers. Joseph and his next oldest brother were given a small amount of money by their father and instructed to flee to join up with their other brothers in Vichy.
What follows is an exciting tale of trying to get to southern France without being picked up by Germans or French police. They don’t have the proper papers for travelling, so, they resort to ruses to outwit the authorities. At one point, they get a priest on a train to tell the police that they are travelling together. Another time, they have to cross the border into Vichy at night while eluding German patrols.

It was a good book, and I won’t ruin the whole tale for you. They made it into two movies, one in 1975 and one in 2017. Fugitive on the run stories often sell well. As a kid reading it, you invariably fantasize about what you would do if you were in such a situation. Would you have the wit, the cunning to outsmart evil authorities and get to freedom?
Which brings me to George Soros. I was reading through Matt Palumbo’s book, The Man Behind The Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros. Now, George Soros’s father had written a book and George Soros wrote a forward to the book in which George Soros says that the German occupation was one of the happiest times of his life. “We were in great peril, but my father was seemingly in command of the situation. I was aware of the dangers because my father spent a lot of time explaining them to me.”
That seems crazy to the average person. A Jew who actually found the Nazi occupation one of the “happiest times of his life”. How could that be? I revert to Joseph Joffo’s book on fleeing the Nazis. He wrote the book in part to brag about what it was like to outsmart the authorities and live. As Winston Churchill said, “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” Churchill had some familiarity with being shot at during the Boer War. I imagine that not everyone feels so thrilled at being shot at and missed.
It might seem crazy to people, but it actually has some sense. I wonder that when George Soros was taken along as a 14 year old boy to repossess belongings of deported Jews if he didn’t feel a thrill knowing that he was so close to the German authorities, and yet, they didn’t know who he really was. Others have focused on the morality of young George just being there when the confiscations were happening. At the time, he was probably just hoping not to be picked up too.
According to Palumbo, in the immediate aftermath of World War II, young George was an admirer of the Soviet Union. It makes sense, the Russians were the ones who freed Hungary, not the Americans or Brits. Again, George Soros’s father steered him in another direction and, instead, young George headed for England.
In England, Soros learned of the concept of an open society from the philosopher Karl Popper. Popper’s theory is that because life is so complex, no one person has all the answers. Therefore, an open society offers the best solutions to life’s problems. George Soros would take that to heart (sort of) and name his charity organization the “Open Society Foundation”.
Karl Popper was an admirer of the United States. George Soros? Not so much. Soros’s book The Bubble of American Supremacy, he wrote “Who would have thought sixty years ago, when Karl Popper wrote Open Society and its enemies, that the United States itself could pose a threat to open society.”
The problem that George Soros does not see or want to see is that just because someone doesn’t agree with him that does not make him an enemy of an open society. It’s a little bit like freedom of speech. Everyone believes in free speech until someone says something they disagree with. If they don’t like what’s being said, it becomes “hate speech”.
In the propaganda war, if you ask Google or Bing if George Soros has ever said that America is his enemy, you will get fake “fact checkers” who will say it is a conspiracy theory. Soros never said “His life’s mission is to destroy the United States.” Of course, Soros never did. However, he did say that the United Sates itself is a threat to an open society. Hence, he sees the United States as a threat to his charity group. This is a guy who has crashed the Bank of England. How’s that for a thank you for giving him an education? Sort of regret that now, don’t you England?
Likewise, George Soros is probably hoping to add the United States to his list of countries he has crashed their economies. The petrodollar is losing its dominance as the international reserve currency. How long before he shorts the dollar?
If you criticize George Soros, immediately, you will be levelled with charges of being an Anti-Semite. This shuts down the open debate that Karl Popper talked about.
So, why is George Soros funding radical District Attorneys in the United States. As Elon Musk asks, “What’s his goal?” Lara Logan has claimed that the United Nations is purposely trying to flood the United States with 100 million “migrants” whether legal or not. The Cartels will get so bad that these same elites will then propose the only solution is to have one government between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
Among other things, weak district attorneys will make crime in general much worse throughout America. Actually, they already are doing that. If every big city had a Rudy Giuliani style mayor and prosecutor, crime would go down.
Call me a conspiracy theorist or radical, but I truly believe that Soros is trying to destroy the sovereignty of the United States. Remember, it’s only an Open Society when everyone agrees with me.
Soros wants to recreate those happy times when he was outwitting Nazis. Today, he still sees himself as outwitting anti-semites and Nazis. Who is a Nazi? Anyone who dares oppose his Open Society Foundation.
20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.
Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.
Grew up partly in Europe.