New Evidence Emerges Of Eric Holder’s Role In Flynn Setup


Recently, K. Ekim Alptekin was interviewed on the Dark to Light Podcast (D2L) with Tracy Beanz. Alptekin addressed the current status of the case of his co-defendant Bijan Kian related to a private contract by the Flynn Intel Group (FIG) as well as an exclusive TWP report about a trip made by Jim & Sara Biden (the brother of Joe Biden and his brother’s wife) midway through the Flynn case. In the D2L interview, Alptekin made never before heard accusations that seem to more closely tie former Attorney General and Obama’s self-described “wingman” Eric Holder into the scheme to setup retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn.

This portion of the story began in February 2021, when Alptekin gave an interview in Turkish on YouTube to veteran journalist Cüneyt Özdemir. The interview would later be recounted in an article in Duvar English, the English language version of the Turkish publication Gazete Duvar. In the interview, Alptekin made the shocking admission about Jim and Sara Biden’s trip to Turkey and its timing. As TWP detailed in our reporting on the timeline of events, the visit took place at a pivotal moment as the DOJ’s prosecution (or more appropriately, persecution) of Gen. Flynn looked to be falling apart.

Full Feb 2021 interview of K. Ekim Alptekin with veteran Turkish journalist Cüneyt Özdemir. *(Note: The interview is conducted in Turkish, but can be translated into English using the Closed Caption feature).

Alptekin began the interview with Beanz by summarizing the status of the FIG case as he did in his two prior appearances on the D2L podcast in Aug 2020 and Apr 2021. Alptekin went on to address recent developments in Kian’s case as detailed by TWP’s exclusive report of the case related to Defense Exhibit 66 or “DX66”.

Alptekin seemed to confirm most of the details from TWP’s Aug report and agreed with our speculation about the government’s motives behind introducing the single line summary of supposed classified intelligence intercepted communications between Gen. Flynn and himself on the eve of the trial. Namely, the objectives of the disclosure were to “drive a wedge” between the Kian and Alptekin legal teams (and the attorneys representing Gen. Flynn), smear Gen. Flynn in the media during the height of the Mueller Special Counsel Office (SCO) Investigation hysteria, and potentially taint the jury against Kian.

TWP Aug 2021 article on the motion in the trial of Bijan Kian to declassified evidence related to “DX66”.
(Rumble Link) Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 1 – DX66 Evidence In The Flynn Intel Group Trial

Beanz followed up on the DX66 issue and revealed that Judge Anthony J. Trenga, the U.S. District court judge hearing the case, had subsequently reviewed the classified material himself. Unfortunately, Trenga denied Kian’s motion for declassification and review by Kian’s legal team, ruling there was nothing in the evidence that would be beneficial to his defense.

Screenshot of U.S. District Court Judge Anthony J. Trenga ruling denying Bijan Kian’s motion to declassified “DX66” evidence in his trial

The ruling, on its face, may seem like a defeat for Kian. But, logically, if the classified intercepts contained the information the government alleges, wouldn’t that be exculpatory for Kian’s defense? Yet, Kian’s motion for a new trial is still pending, which may indicate the government was bluffing (or at least exaggerating) the information contained in the alleged intercepts.

Is there any reason to believe the government actually has anything of value? Given the FBI and DOJ’s egregious conduct both in this trial and Flynn’s trial presided over by Judge Emmet Sullivan, why would anyone think they actually have “the goods” this time? If they did have this evidence, why in God’s name would they have not released it or leaked it out in order to further damage Flynn’s reputation? What could they possibly be waiting for?

As he did when asked for comment by TWP when we first reported the story, Alptekin, in the D2L interview, goes on to again forcefully deny there is anything of value in the DX66 intercepts.

(Rumble Link) Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 2 – “Classified Evidence” With Gen. Flynn, There’s Nothing There

Ekim Alptekin: They have no good reason to keep this classified. And I’m pretty certain that if this so-call “classified evidence” would prove their case, it would long be declassified already.

Tracy Beanz: Yeah, they’d be traipsing that out all over. CNN would have it. [The Washington Post].

Ekim Alptekin: Exactly. They’re very good at leaking stuff. Why hasn’t this leaked?

Tracy Beanz: Because it doesn’t exist.

Ekim Alptekin: Because there’s nothing there.

Tracy Beanz: Exactly.

Ekim Alptekin: It doesn’t exist.

From Ekim Alptekin’s Oct 2021 interview on the Dark to Light Podcast with Tracy Beanz

After giving an update on the trial of Bijan Kian, the interview moves on to the topic of Jim and Sara Biden’s visit and clarifies its exact timing as two days before Joe Biden officially announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency in April 2019.

(Rumble Link) – Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 3 – Jim and Sarah Biden Visit During The Flynn Trial

That would mean the trip took place in the immediate aftermath of the now infamous Dec. 2018 pre-sentencing hearing in the Flynn trial. Sullivan, worked up into a Stage 4 TDS hissy fit from watching Rachel Maddow the evening before, openly and disgracefully asked prosecutors if they had considered charging Gen. Flynn with “Treason”. Flynn, a man with an impeccable 33 year career in the United States Army and who has been described as “the top military intelligence officer of his generation”. Around that same time as the Biden’s trip, Gen. Flynn had contacted Sidney Powell, who had attended the Dec. 2018 hearing before Sullivan, and would bring her on as co-counsel alongside Covington & Burling LLP (Covington), the law firm handling his criminal case until that time.

(Rumble Link) – Robert Barnes on the Flynn pre-sentencing hearing in front of Judge Sullivan

Alptekin also references a question asked by NewsMax correspondent John Gizzi about the Biden family visit during the Mar 5th, 2021 White House Daily Briefing to Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

(Rumble Link)From the Mar 5th, 2021 White House Daily Briefing

Neither Gizzi nor Psaki seemed to grasp the broader implications of the visit. Why would the brother of Joe “Why don’t we try using the Logan Act” Biden choose to visit a man at the center of the Mueller Investigation’s attempt to railroad Gen. Flynn during the ongoing trials?

(Rumble Link) – Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) discusses the history of the Logan Act with Maria Bartiromo

Beanz asks the obvious question. Why hadn’t Ekim mentioned the visit to her in either of his two prior interviews and why was the news was just now coming out? He explained he chose not to speak about the trip publicly for fear it would be interpreted in American media as an attempt to influence the presidential election or transition. This, he said, was based on the reactions to his much-less-direct-and-inconsequential interactions with businesses associated with Donald Trump. After all, he had been the chairman of the Turkey-U.S. Business Council (TAİK) and conspiracy rags like BuzzFeed News portrayed commonly scheduled trade conferences held by the organization as evidence of bribery. This, despite the plethora of business conferences being held at Trump properties by a variety of business and trade organizations (i.e. the business Trump had been in for decades), and the contracts with TAİK having been signed and in place before Trump even announced he was a candidate for President.

(Rumble Link) – Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 4 – Reasons For Jim and Sarah Biden Visit During The Flynn Trial

Alptekin reveals associates of Joe Biden had been reaching out, through his attorneys, requesting a meeting with him. Having been railroaded for the better part of two years, Ekim explained he was unwilling to meet with attorneys or intermediaries, and would only agree to meet with a member of the Biden family directly. After a period of time, he received word that Jim and Sara Biden were requesting an invitation to meet with him in Turkey. The trip would need to be a arranged through a “proper organization”, presumably Alptekin’s own Turkey-U.S. Business Council.

Alptekin proceeds to drop a new bombshell that wasn’t mentioned even in his Turkish language interview with Cüneyt Özdemir. He revealed Jim and Sara Biden recommended he hire former Obama Attorney General and self-described Obama “wingman” Eric Holder, who by that time had left public office and returned to his position as a partner with Covington in the Washington D.C. office. The same Covington that had prepared the FARA filings that were at the heart of the indictments related to FIG and were currently representing Flynn in his criminal trial.

Screenshot of Eric Holder’s profile from the Covington & Burling LLP website

There is already plenty of circumstantial evidence to suggest Holder took an active role behind the scenes at Covington to help orchestrate the railroading of Gen. Flynn. Covington repeatedly refused to turn over records related to Holder’s personal involvement in the Flynn case. As first reported by Techno Fog, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates coincidentally had lunch with Gary Grindler, Eric Holder’s former Chief of Staff and close confidant, the day after the infamous Jan. 24th, 2017 FBI interview conducted with Gen. Flynn in the White House with the goal “to get him to lie, [in order to] prosecute him or get him fired”.

There is also the apparent cozy relationship between Eric Holder and Judge Emmet Sullivan. The relationship likely dates back to at least the mid-1980’s, when both Holder and Sullivan were appointed as judges in DC municipal courts. As pointed out in Sidney Powell’s Oct. 2020 motion in the Gen. Flynn case, Sullivan was so familiar with Holder, he did not even think twice about referring to him simply as “Eric” when making reference to the former Attorney General during hearings in the Flynn case. The likely verbal slip by Sullivan made Flynn’s defense team question why the judge seemed to be on a first name basis with Holder, and demanded disclosure of all communications Sullivan and Holder regarding this case.

Techno Fog’s Sep 2020 report from a FOIA request of Sally Yates calendar from Jan 2017 revealing the meeting meeting between Grindler and her on Jan 24th

“All communications and visits with Eric Holder about this case or General Flynn, identification of the number of visits Eric Holder has made to Chambers about this case or General Flynn, or other personal meetings regarding General Flynn with Eric Holder to whom Emmet Sullivan referred as “Eric” on the record in the hearing.”

From Sidney Powell’s Oct. 2020 motion in the Gen. Flynn case to disqualify Judge Emmet Sullivan
(Rumble Link) Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 5 – Jim and Sarah Biden Recommend Hiring Eric Holder

Although not yet confirmed by TWP, it is believed Sara Jones Biden also worked for Covington in defense litigation in the Washington D.C. office after graduating from Duke Law School in ’87 and before going to work as a congressional staffer, where she would later meet Jim Biden. If true, she would make an ideal go-between for the Biden camp and Eric Holder and Covington. She would, presumably, still have close contacts at the firm and would not raise any suspicions by having regular communication with them.

Screenshot of Sara Jones Biden’s profile from the BBS Benefit Solutions website where Jim Biden and her are listed as principals.
(Rumble Link) – “And The Hits Just Keep On Coming” ~ Tom Cruise (Lt. Daniel Kaffee) in A few Good Men (1992)

Regardless if Sara Biden had a prior Covington connection, it is highly unlikely the offer was extended to have Holder represent Alptekin without some belief or foreknowledge the Biden’s were in a position to make it happen. Making the offer and then failing to deliver would surely backfire and completely defeat the purpose of going to all the trouble to arrange the trip and meet in Turkey. Hiring the former Attorney General of the United States to personally represent someone in a criminal proceeding is no small task. Logically, one would assume Holder would have agreed ahead-of-time, which further points to his personal involvement in the plot to get Flynn at all costs.

(Rumble Link) – Congressman Devin Nunes on Maria Bartiromo in Aug 2020 talking about revelations about Obama and Biden’s role in Spygate and the framing of Gen. Flynn

Beanz and Alptekin went on to discuss the glaring double standards. He entered into a contract with the company of a retired general in private business to conduct legal research and lobbying on his behalf, and that resulted in a media firestorm and a criminal investigation that continues to all but destroy his life and career. Now, here is the brother and sister-in-law of the former Vice President and Democratic nominee for the Presidency visiting a key figure in a criminal prosecution they have a personal interest in, and it causes barely a ripple in the media. How does that make any sense?

(Rumble Link) Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 6 – Mueller Investigation Target On Double Standards

Note, in the clip above, Beanz again presses Alptekin on the reason for the Biden’s visit and what exactly they were pressing him to do. It is clear he is still holding back and not fully able to talk about what was discussed in the meeting. But the chances Jim and Sara Biden were simply taking interest in the personal aspect of his criminal indictment and just happened to be suggesting he hire Eric Holder, who we already suspect was at the center of the effort to railroad Gen. Flynn, is far-fetched at best.

Tracy Beanz: I’m just trying to figure out what it is exactly Jim [and Sara] Biden would have to gain to come all the way to Turkey just to meet with you two days before his brother announces he is going to be running for President in the midst of declassifications, and … us learning more about … Biden’s role in this entire saga. Specifically having to do with General Flynn. It’s crazy to me that this happened. And you obviously didn’t play ball with whatever it is they were asking, and here we are still today with you kind of hanging out in the wind and suffering because of all of this. And I think that speaks to your character to be honest.

Ekim Alptekin: Yeah I mean, again I am very hesitant to talk about this. I can see them at home and watching this, and thinking, “Oh my God, the guy is talking about this.” Probably not being happy. I have nothing against them.

From Ekim Alptekin’s Oct 2021 interview on the Dark to Light Podcast with Tracy Beanz
(Rumble Link) – Segments of an interview with Sidney Powell about FARA accusations made against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) and dealing with Covington on American Thought Leaders

The interview then shifts to the exact nature of Alptekin and Joe Biden’s prior relationship dating back to the early 2000’s, when Ekim worked in Washington D.C. as a congressional staffer for the late Tom Lantos (D-CA) who was, at the time, the Ranking Member of the U.S. House Foreign Relations Committee (then called the “International Relations Committee”).

(Rumble Link)– Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 7 – History With Joe Biden

Tracy makes reference to TWP’s prior reporting that detailed how Alptekin discussed his time working as a congressional staffer in an interview with Michael Doran back in May 2020 when Ekim first went public about his targeting by the Mueller Investigation. He knew Joe Biden through his work in Congress when Biden was the Co-Chair of the counterpart Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

(Rumble Link) – Ekim Alptekin talking with Mike Doran in May 2020 about his time working in Washington D.C. as a congressional staffer for the late Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) on the House International Relations Committee

Alptekin explained, in his interview with Cüneyt Özdemir, the house he was living in while working in Washington D.C. was very close to the train station Senator Joe Biden would arrive at every morning after Biden’s daily morning commute from Delaware. Alptekin would often run into Sen. Joe Biden at the same Union Station coffee shop and then walk to the Capitol together.

Ekim Alptekin: Also, Joe Biden used to take the train to the congress each morning, and I used to live right next to the Union Station. My house was literally within walking distance, within some 50 meters of Union Station. I’d get my coffee from Union Station and go to work. We used to run into each other there, he knew of me as a staffer of Rep. Tom Lantos. We walked to the [Capitol] Building together on several occasions. I can’t say that we are close friends but we are acquainted with each other.

English translation from Ekim Alptekin’s Feb 2021 interview with Cüneyt Özdemir

After discussing the Eric Holder revelations, the interview focuses in on what is next for Alptekin. Unfortunately, President Trump left office without issuing the expected full pardons of all those caught up and politically targeted by the Muller Investigation in what is now apparent was a coup attempt to remove Trump from office. Considering the highly politicized nature of his case, the fact Gen. Flynn is listed as “Person A” in the same indictment as Alptekin and Kian, and the direct involvement by the Biden’s to intervene in the case, it is highly unlikely the Department of Justice (DOJ) will simply review the evidence and move to dismiss the charges against him. His only real chance to see justice under a Biden DOJ is to have a whistleblower will come forward with knowledge of the corruption in his case, or to bring as much attention to his story as possible and pray the public outcry is enough to force the case to be dropped.

(Rumble Link) – Dark To Light: Ekim Alptekin Part 8 – Ekim Alptekin On What’s Next For Him

As Alptekin touched upon in the prior segment and as previously detailed in TWP’s own reporting, there are still multiple and ongoing attempts by Soros-funded publications like OCCRP and propagandists in the media like Rachel Maddow to relentlessly smear Alptekin as a “shadowy Turkish businessman” and connect him to Gen. Flynn through a series of media hoaxes. It appears their hope is to concoct some kind of nefarious connection with Russian oligarchs and other “shadowy” figures, presumably to lay the groundwork for new, bogus charges against Gen. Flynn in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) or other corrupt prosecution unit should Gen. Flynn ever again be viewed as a threat to the Establishment. All this while covering up potentially devastating Obama-era scandals, like Project Cassandra, that could still prove embarrassing if they ever fully came to light. Two birds, one stone.

(Article to the right) Dec. 2020 TWP story about the New York Times “Russiagate 2.0” media hoax that would have been used to target President Trump for investigation had he secured reelection to a 2nd term.

Two legs of the the same media hoax campaign. (Left) A screenshot of Ekim Alptekin from a graph in an ‘OCCRP’ article attempting to connect him to Russian oligarchs and other mysterious characters. (Right) A screenshot of a tweet promoting an article from ‘The Daily Beast’ attempting to connect Gen. Flynn to some of the same mysterious figures, and thereby indirectly to Alptekin.
(Rumble Link) – Excerpts of Rep. Devin Nunes on The Evening Edit with Elizabeth MacDonald Sep 2020

Whatever the Left accuses you of doing, they’re the ones doing it.

~ Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA)

The interview concludes with an interesting subplot. Alptekin has made several references in past interviews about an attorney who approached him, seemingly out-of-the-blue, in 2017 offering to represent him before the Mueller Special Counsel Investigation. Alptekin gives a lot more detail about the attorney and how he believes he was setup from the very beginning.

(Rumble Link) – Ekim Alptekin Part 9 – Brandon Van Grack and Peter Zeidenberg

The attorney is former DOJ prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg. Ekim was later surprised to discover Zeidenberg was a former associate of the lead prosecutor in the Flynn case, Brandon Van Grack. Zeindenberg had previously worked as a DOJ deputy special counsel himself, prosecuting former George W. Bush White House official I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby for alleged classified leaks related to the CIA and would go on to write a number of op-eds for The Daily Beast and others praising the work of the Mueller Investigation and helping to promote the Russia Collusion Hoax.

Alptekin describes a call with Zeidenberg where he felt pressured by his former attorney to lie on behalf of federal prosecutors. When Alptekin refused, Zeidenberg flew into a rage and began shouting at him through the phone.

Ekim Alptekin: His name was Peter Zeidenberg by the way. It really amazed me what happened there. And that is why I was very hesitant to hire Eric Holder because at the point I decided not to continue with Peter Zeidenberg, and in case he’s listening and wants to deny it, I have a witness of that phone call. So if he wants to deny it, he can. But he started screaming to me that I should say certain things that the prosecution would want me to say. And at some point I went crazy. I said, “Are you asking me to lie?”.

Tracy Beanz: That’s exactly what General Flynn said.

Ekim Alptekin: Yeah and then he screamed to me. He was literally screaming, [ ] and I think he said, “G__ D_____!” or “Damn it!”, something like that. He said, “This is not some Hollywood movie where the good guy win! This is the United States government asking you to do this!”

Tracy Beanz: Wooooow!

Ekim Alptekin: So like wait a minute. This doesn’t sound like my lawyer here.

Tracy Beanz: Wow!!!

From Ekim Alptekin’s Oct 2021 interview on the Dark to Light Podcast with Tracy Beanz

The story is oddly reminiscent of a call Sidney Powell describes she had, along with Gen. Flynn, with Brandon Van Grack in prior interviews. Early in her representation of Gen. Flynn’s. when his cooperation agreement with the DOJ began to fall apart when he refused to lie in the upcoming trial of Bijan Kian. This caused Van Grack to fly “into a rage”. The similarity of the requests and the nearly identical, angry reactions by Van Grack and Zeidenberg seem like a predetermined interrogation tactic and further suggests coordination between Zeidenberg and Mueller SCO prosecutors.

Screenshot from Jan. 2020 defense motion in the Flynn case
Segments of an interview with Sidney Powell about accusations made against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.) on American Thought Leaders

Although Ekim Alptekin seems unable to fully disclose details of what was discussed in the April 2020 Istanbul meeting, it seems likely he was offered a classic Biden quid pro quo. As Beanz mentions a few times throughout the interview, had Alptekin accepted the offer and hired Eric Holder to represent him, this episode would likely just be an ugly footnote in Alptekin’s past, and his life would largely be back to normal. What that would have meant for Gen. Flynn is anyone’s guess.

Tracy calls attention to the stand Ekim took, which is also detailed in Lee Smith’s book The Permanent Coup where Alptekin’s personal plight is chronicled in Chapter 8: The Scope on Pgs. 111-116 (an opinion I very much share and agree with),

He was being pressured on several fronts … They wanted Alptekin to take [Flynn] down.

“I’m ashamed to say I briefly considered it. Because General Flynn had already inexplicably plead guilty that he lied to the FBI”, said Alptekin. “and legal bills were piling up. I couldn’t work or travel, but then I thought about what my father told me.”

[Sevinc Alptekin] “You’re only a man if you have principles. And it’s only a principle if you apply it when it doesn’t suit you.”

Excerpts from Lee Smith’s book ‘The Permanent Coup’

Hopefully actual justice will prevail in this case, and K. Ekim Alptekin, along with co-defendant Bijan Kian, will soon have this dark cloud lifted off them and their families, and the political persecution ended. But never has the statement been more true,

“Justice too long delayed is justice denied”

~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’

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