Deported Child Molester Apprehended Trying to Reenter US Illegally


Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously deported child molester who entered the U.S. while hiding with a family group on Wednesday evening.

U. S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed that Juan Rojas Rodriguez, 41, was captured by agents patrolling the Colorado River near Yuma, Arizona on June 19. He was reportedly traveling with a group of of six migrants coming from Guatemala. The capture occurred at County 23rd Street and the Salinity Canal at approximately 10:45 p.m.

Agents say Rodriguez was first convicted in California in 1996 for having sex with a minor aged girl younger than 14 years old. He was originally deported in 2008 after officials found him locked away in a California federal prison. He is a Mexican national.

According to CBP:

Rojas-Rodriguez is charged with re-entry as a previously deported aggravated felon.

The remaining illegal immigrants are being processed for immigration violations.

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