Oklahoma Man Charged With Raping Four-Year-Old in McDonald’s Bathroom


A man was arrested after he allegedly raped a 4-year-old inside a bathroom at a McDonald’s in Midwest City (Oklahoma).

On Tuesday, police responded to a McDonald’s near SE 15th and Air Depot in reference to a disturbance.

When police arrived, they spoke with daycare employees who told officers a 4-year-old girl had gone to the bathroom in the play area of the restaurant and went to check on her after noticing the child had “been gone for a while.”

The daycare employee says the door was locked, and after knocking for a while, a man answered the door and came out with hands up, saying “I was just washing my hands.”

The 4-year-old was asked if she was touched by the man and she said “yes,” pointing to her genital area.

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