Ghislaine Maxwell Loses Battle to Keep Epstein Testimony Sealed


Things had been quite on the Maxwell/Epstein case until today when a federal appeals court a double blow in her fight to keep her testimony in an earlier case against Jeffrey Epstein sealed. The Miami Herald is reporting that a three-judge panel from the Second Circuit Court declined to consolidate her appeals in several related cases and struck down her attempt to keep her previous depositions sealed, in what is now a settled civil lawsuit against Epstein.

In a hearing that where they heard more than two hours of oral arguments, the judges issued their ruling today, upholding the lower court’s decision to release a 418-page deposition from the April 2016 case that may hold important evidence on the Epstein trafficking cabal.

The court also denied Maxwell’s request to have her criminal cases consolidated in the Southern District of New York. Their ruling upheld a decision made this summer by U.S. District judge who ordered the release of hundreds of documents from a 2015 civil lawsuit involving Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who accused Epstein and Maxwell of a variety of crimes. The case was settled in 2017.

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