The United Nation’s 2030 Plan


When I was a kid growing up in Paris, I learned about communism for the first time.

In France, the legislature is determined by a percentage of your party’s popular vote. There were a lot of different political parties as a result. There was a Gaullist party, a socialist party, a communist party and even a royalist party (the royalists got a very small percentage of votes), among others. To my naivete, the Communists sounded very good. After all, children are very concerned with the idea of fairness.

The idea that everyone was treated alike and received the same amount of money seemed only fair. It sounded very idealistic. The French Communist party head, George Marchais, was said to lose voters every time he talked and his party was sort of compromised by Socialist candidate Francois Mitterand tacking to the left.

In any case, I asked my father what was wrong with communism when everyone got treated equally. My father told the story of how he and two classmates had visited the Soviet Union in something like 1960 when he was going to graduate school. At the time, the Soviet Union advertised that they were offering visas for the first time to students in the west. The trio first went to Denmark where one of them had family and then on to the Soviet Union. I believe they drove across from Finland in a rented VW Bug. The Soviet Customs Officers had apparently not been informed about this new student visa, or, they didn’t expect any crazy American students to take them up on it. So, the Customs Inspectors took their car apart convinced they were spies and interrogated them. Eventually, they were allowed to proceed into Russia.

I believe it was in Leningrad when they got stuck in traffic. There weren’t all that many cars in the Soviet Union, but there were some and there was a whole lot of pedestrians. On the corner of each block was a police officer directing traffic. If you imagine those big wide boulevards that some European countries have, while my father and friends were stuck in traffic, there were parallel lanes headed the same way that were almost empty. They were all headed in the same direction, but these other lanes had a stray Lada going down them occasionally. So, not knowing any better, the American driver pulled into the nearly empty lanes and started heading down in a burst of freedom from traffic. Immediately, the police were there blowing their whistles, waving their arms and screaming at them. It turned out those lanes were reserved for Communist Party officials. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. My father had other stories about going to restaurants where the menus had item after item crossed out because they were no longer available. The utopian ideal of everyone being treated equally turned out to not be so ideal in the end.

Going back to the principle of fairness, forget the term “communism” for a moment and just focus on what is fair and what isn’t.  In the United States schools, for a while, there was this idea that everyone would get a medal.  What a joke.  Kids look to see who is better than who at any skill, talent, or gift.  If everyone gets a medal after a race, including the ones who are fat or simply do not try, the medal is worthless in their eyes.  If you try to suppress human nature, it will pop up elsewhere. 

I cannot help but believe the idea of giving every child a medal was come up some parent or teacher sick of the tears that happen in childhood when one child discovers that they aren’t the smartest, the most athletic, the prettiest or whatever else.  Rather than acknowledging that tears are a part of childhood, this parent/teacher decided they would try to make a system where everyone was treated perfectly equally regardless of ability or effort.

However, giving everyone a medal is itself unfair.  Some child may have worked really hard to achieve a goal or worked hard to learn to do a gymnastics flip.  Does the kid who sat playing video games deserve a gymnastics medal the same as the one who practiced?  Of course not.  If your younger brother turns out to be a much better skier than you are, either through natural talent, or (more likely) because he’s on the hockey team, then realize that if you want to be as good as he is, then you will have to work at it, or, accept that the little bugger really knows how to bend a ski. 

Life is unfair.  Those of us in the subgenius category have had to discover that we had to work harder at academics than some of our peers.  Even talented athletes have discovered that they had to work hard to achieve or take steroids like Lance Armstrong. 

In the book, The Lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant, they make mention in the very first chapter that life is competition.

From the time of conception where roughly 300 million sperm compete for one ovum, life is competition. 

Which brings me to the coming New World Order or globalization.  Recently, I heard that if you want to know what’s in store for us, I should look over the United Nations’ “Transforming our world:  The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”  I tried reading it, skimming over it, mainly for what it said about immigration.  It’s great reading if you suffer from insomnia.  It’s written like one of those bureaucratic memos purposely designed to bore the reader into complacency.  It starts off talking of people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership.  Yawn.

Its goals are things like “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”.  Is this supposed to happen by 2030?  If so, we better get cracking.  It goes on about ending hunger (pretty sure if you can end poverty, then hunger will solve itself), making everyone healthy, and educated. 

Goal 10 is to “Reduce inequality within and among countries”.  It will probably be very difficult to raise the GDP of Haiti, but it will be much easier to reduce the GDP of the United States.  Which do you think is more likely to happen with Haitian immigration to the United States?  

Goal 13 is to “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”.  Yep, they are going to use climate fear to promote their woke agenda, not a shock.

Just like those Soviet Communist party officials who got to drive past the crowded peons on their way to their Dachas, I’m pretty sure that Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the rest of the jet set at Davos have no intention of giving up their Lear Jets and sitting down to a protein packed meal of ants, crickets and cockroaches that they intend to foist upon the rest of the world. 

If you take away competition in one spot, it will pop back up in another spot.  Stags fight over does for harems.  Birds fight over nesting areas and mates.  Humans have fought for eons against the elements, against disease, against animals and against other human beings.  Evolution has made us competitors whether we want to be or not. 

The U.N. plan seems intended to take competition out of it.  To make us all one and the same.  It won’ work for the same reason that communism failed and that everyone getting a medal didn’t stop childhood tears.  The kids still know who won the race. 

The globalists are trying to rig the game in their favor so they and their kids will always be at the top.  It’s not fair, just like childhood, just like life and we have to fight back (compete) against them and their relentless propaganda. 

Anyway, what does the U.N. say about immigration?  Do they say “Hey that chick Lara Logan is right, we intend to flood the United States with 100 million people, enrich the cartels and then use it as an excuse to create a North American economic zone?”  Of course not, they aren’t that stupid.

On page 12, item #29 says:

29.  We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development.  We also recognize that international migration is a multidimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which requires coherent and comprehensive responses.  We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced persons.

Such cooperation should also strengthen the resilience of communities hosting refugees, particularly in developing countries.  We underline the right of migrants to return to their country of citizenship, and recall that States must ensure that their returning nationals are duly received.

So, when Lara Logan said that they intend to reframe migration as a civil rights issue she seems to be right, “…and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants…”. 

Incidentally is this quote from a UN paper titled “The Future of Holocaust Education: The Role of Global Citizenship and Human Rights Literacy”:

“The future of Holocaust memory and education lies in its ability to be relevant to the students of coming generations. While study about the Holocaust is important in and of itself, it is even more important to learn from the Holocaust in terms of promoting global citizenship, human rights, religious tolerance and multiculturalism to ensure that such evil does not occur again.”

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20 year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. Author of "What Bridge Do You Work At? Or, Kids Are Cute; Therefore, Open Borders" & "East into the Sunset: Memories of patrolling in the Rio Grande Valley at the turn of the century". Books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as Thrift Books.

Master's Degree in Justice, Law and Society from American University.

Grew up partly in Europe.